Three Skills Needed To Be Successful At Work

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The workforce has changed dramatically from one hundred years ago. Back in the twentieth century work was mundane and there was a lack of specialty, most jobs were in factories or such locations where the duties were robotic, constant and without break. Jobs were for the most part like an assembly line where the skills needed were primitive, where technology was just taking off. Nowadays almost every single job one encounters have qualifications and requires certain skill sets. The three skills that are most needed by an individual to be successful at work today are: adaptation to the flow of work and the environment, critical thinking and problem solving skills and teamwork.

These three skills if not already explicitly stated on job application requirements, are needed to be successful in any position. In this day and age problems arise all the time, whether an issue happens at the start of your shift or towards the end of it, one has to be able to adapt to any random change in the flow of work and be able to multitask when needed. Jobs now are more fast paced than ever before, after …show more content…

It is easy to see good teamwork in action because everyone is working together to solve problems and to make sure the workplace runs like a well-tuned machine. Everyone has his or her own traits and personalities that they bring to the workforce and it takes someone with good team work skills to adjust and work together with people of all types of backgrounds and personalities. Communication is extremely important especially now since everyone is connected to each other and everyone works together to achieve common goals. When one is an excellent team player tasks that might take hours to do can be done in a shorter amount of time saving time and money. Companies need team players who can work with anyone and everyone, that can achieve goals for the good of the team rather than the

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