Three Political Ideology Surveys

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These three political ideology surveys actually were interesting because I never really found a real interest in politics till now. I believe that the results of the three surveys did correlate with each other. I believe that they do correlate because taking the survey three different ways allowed room to see if there would be a difference in the results which it was not. Each of the the questions on these surveys actually circled around the same concept which was equality, and freedom of choice. I was not really surprised with my results. The reason that I was not surprised was because I had based all my answer on the type of person that I am. When I think about a government I want to it to allow society to speak their mind and treat everyone equally. I believe that we are all people and we all bleed the same …show more content…

Donald Trump makes that clear. Clearly, I am person that really cares about equality. So, that is why I was 100% sure that my outcome would match my thought. They also did match with whom I supported in 2012 which was Barack Obama. He was a big person on equality for instance, he stated that, “ We believe in the inherited dignity and equality of every human being regardless of race or religion, creed or sexual orientation No one deserves to be treated differently. I believe the most valid was the world’s smallest political quiz. I believe that this is valid because it actually explained the reason why they felt that I was a liberal. Instead of just saying you are a liberal with no explanation or just saying that it is common for kids to be liberal. The way I can apply the result of me being a liberal to the purpose of the government is by putting my opinion on it. Meaning if I feel that people should help people that are at a disadvantage I believe that the government should be reasonable to society even though you can not please everyone, but it would not hurt to

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