Three Branches Of Government Essay

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The Three Branches of the Government The US Government is composed of three unique powers: Executive, legislative, and judicial. It is important to understand that none of these powers were designed to be more powerful than the other two. These three powers are intended to cooperate and confine with each other and avoid quick changes in the constitution and laws of our country. In addition, we need to understand that the main characteristic of any government is to ensure peace, justice and national security base on individual freedom that gives the rational use of the rights of each individual and the performance of the duties of all ( Executive power is the part of the government that is in charge of implementing the laws made by legislature. The US President is the most visible face of the executive power. The president is the head of the executive branch and commander in chief of the armed forces. The president is only one of the employees of the large number of representatives working on the executive branch. The executive power has more people working on than any of …show more content…

Additionally, this branch has some pretty impressive powers, including the power to declare war. The legislative branch consists in two houses. The two houses of the legislative branch are the House of Representative and the House of the Senate. The senate has 100 members, two members per state, and each and every single one of these members serves a six-year renewable term. There are 435 members in the House of Representatives, each member represents a local district within a state. The state with the largest populations has the more representatives and a state with the smallest populations has the least representatives. The bicameral legislature is a result of the “Great Compromise” between large and small states (CongressAP-USGovernment:The Legislative

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