Things Fall Apart Religion

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When it comes to religion in works of literature, some people that try to influence a particular religion on to others can be portrayed as quite forceful. They could think that their religion is the greatest one of them all and ignore all other religions. In his novel, Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe portrays colonizers exactly like this, wanting others to know that their religion is the only one that matters. The colonizers come to Umuofia to let the people of the village know about Christianity. At first, the villagers think that they were mad, but later on some of them would soon convert to Christianity. The colonizers are portrayed like this because that could be what colonialism is like. They want to politically control the village of Umuofia by sending settlers to the village and making them tell the natives of their religion. They are somewhat successful as they have converted some natives to Christianity. As the story progresses, some even find out that their religion may not be for everyone.
Nwoye’s conversion to Christianity plays an …show more content…

Mr. Brown changes his mind about attacking Umuofia when he hears that a God of the villagers must be feared when they’re not doing his will. This shows that colonizers can see the value in other religions other than their own. Not all colonizers need to force natives to convert to their religion. They can, or have to, see that others have religious customs that they greatly value. The reason of this portrayal could be that Chinua didn’t want to to just show the bad side of settlers when it came to colonialism. He had to show that not all of the colonizers needed to force their religion on to others. This shows a much lighter side on the subject of colonialism. With all of the struggles and conflicts that happen between two groups, this can show that there can be some people that can resolve the continuous conflict of

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