Thesis And Outline For Genesis 2

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Amy Ruiz
Dr. Mark Hahlen
BIBL 3313 – Pentateuch
December 4, 2016

Thesis and Outline


Genesis 1:1-2:3 describes and explains how God created the heavens and Earth.

Outline of Passage

1:1-5 – God creates light and separated light from darkness.
1:6-8 – God creates the atmosphere and separated waters from waters.
1:9-13 – God creates land and separates waters from land. The Earth sprouts vegetation and plants with seeds.
1:14-19 – God creates sun, moon, and stars.
1:20-23—God fills the sea with creatures. God creates sky creatures (birds).
Genesis 1:24-31—God creates land creatures walking and crawling. God creates man in God’s image and creates male and female. He lets them rule over the sky, seas, and land.

Genesis 1:2:1-3 –God completed his creation and rested on the seventh day. God blessed the Sabbath.

An Exegesis of Genesis 1:1-2:3 …show more content…

These opening chapters tell us what had been desired by God from the very beginning. (Knapp, Andrew. "The Days Of Creation”)
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1). Heaven and Earth: This phrase can stand for the universe. Some think of heaven as the spiritual aspect of the world while the earth the material. Others think that the heavens speak of God’s realm, perhaps including even the stars but certainly including the spiritual world that cannot be seen with the naked eye. The best description is everything but God Himself. (Bucknell, Paul J. Genesis: The book of

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