There's Hope For Your Church Summary

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McIntosh, Gary. There’s Hope for Your Church: First Steps to Restoring Health and Growth. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2009. Biographical Information Gary McIntosh earned a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Rockmont College. He pursued a career in the business world before being called by God to enter into ministry. He attended Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, graduating in 1982 with a D.Min. in Church Growth. McIntosh has served as Vice President of a church consulting company as well as accepting a call to teach at Biola University’s Talbot School of Theology. In 2005 he earned a Ph.D. from Fuller Theological seminary. He is the recipient of several awards, including one from American Society For Church Growth. McIntosh is a distinguished author when it comes to church growth, appearing in several journals as well as having authored over eighteen monographs regarding church growth. Statement of Purpose McIntosh desires that There’s Hope for Your Church would be used as reference guide for pastors and leaders who do not have anyone to coach them through the steps of revitalization. McIntosh clearly states, “As you consider the future of your …show more content…

To begin with, McIntosh writes from a presupposition that his readers are pastors or leaders in the church. For example, in his discussion about “Revitalization Pastor’s” and “Revitalization Leaders” he does not address any other type of revitalization catalyst. He seems to favor the “D” and “I” leadership styles. He does admit that God can use anyone, but falls short in any attempt to persuade of this. Therefore, at the start, readers who are not pastors or prominent leaders in a church are written off. This is unfortunate, as most pastors seem to have rose-colored glasses, which may not allow them to see that their church is in need of revitalization. McIntosh could make up for this deficiency by pointing those who are not in these roles to other

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