There Isnt Can You Be Good Without God

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“The question isnt can you be good without believing in God, it’s can you be good without God”(unknown). The morality on which we base our life on is based on the world around us, but the ultimate person which we base on is God. We are social creatures and like many others seek approval from our peers, in this case we seek approval from God whether we know it or not. It’s not possible to be good without God because without the structure, guidance, and compassion he offers we would not have a moral sense. Throughout history God has been a constant for all people no matter what their circumstances they are under.
God’s structure gives an objective reference point for moral character. If there is no God, then there is no moral reference point for which we rely on. Without God, we are left to rely on one person’s view, which is no more valid than anyone else’s. This is subjective morality, not objective, therefore it doesn’t apply to anyone else. It’s like wanting plain pizza over supreme, the preference is in the subject, not the object, so it does not apply to others. Which leads us to the Divine …show more content…

The everyday Atheist believes that there is no God, that if he did exist then why does he let all the bad stuff happen in the world. God gave us free will, which means he cannot interfere with our lives, therefore all the bad is a result of human sin. A majority of atheists turn to common sense or science for guidance. The common sense obviously didn’t come out from under a rock, it came from everyone else’s moal compases. Some will argue that we get our sense of everything from evolution, for instance when a bird warns all the others that there is danger near by. Part of that may be true to a certain degree, but it doesn’t fit the question ‘can you be good without God?’. Throughout history people's lives are shaped by Theists and Atheists opinions and whether they are true or

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