Could God Maintain A World Without Evil

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mankind and that in his all-knowing mind knew we would fall into the hands of sin, so there is a truth in the fact that if evil did not exist then there would be no need for a perfect God to exist. …God could maintain a world without evil by continual divine intervention.
An atheist will often fight for the idea that a perfect God should never have permitted evil to exist. Could “God… maintain a world without evil by continual divine intervention?” The answer to this question can be found in the reality that evil itself is an indicator of why mankind needs a holy God and is ultimately part of the God’s plan for mankind. First, is the fact that God is Omnipotent and indeed has the power to do anything. Lewis (2012) stated:
Omnipotence means "power to do all, or everything"… It is common enough in argument with an unbeliever, to be told that God, if He existed and were good, would do this or that; and then, if we point out that the proposed action is impossible, to be met with the retort, "But I …show more content…

Man, is not the center. God does not exist for the sake of man. Man, does not exist for his own sake. "Thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." We were made not primarily that we may love God (though we were made for that too) but that God may love us, that we may become objects in which the Divine love may rest "well pleased". To ask that God's love should be content with us as we are is to ask that God should cease to be God: because He is what He is, His love must, in the nature of things, be impeded and repelled, by certain stains in our present character, and because He already loves us He must labor to make us lovable. We cannot even wish, in our better moments, that He could reconcile Himself to our present

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