There Are No Secrets To Success Carol Dweck

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Colin Powell, first African American appointed as the U.S. Secretary of State, says that “There are no secrets to success, It is a result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure” (Alina). From this quotation, it explains that success is not given to someone in the spur of the moment or gained in a second. Success comes from working hard and not being afraid to fail because one learns from their failures. In “Chapter 3: The Truth About Ability and Accomplishment” from Mindset: The New Psychology of Success Carol Dweck, the author argues to a broad audience that a growth mindset leads to academic success. A growth mindset focuses on students trying harder than they did before and views any struggle as an obstacle that can be surpassed, thus motivating students to work harder. Growth mindset students continue to try new challenges because they do not view failure as a vulnerability. A fixed mindset student tend to give up because they view themselves as weak or not good enough to overcome an obstacle. Fixed mindset people also prevent themselves from trying because the fear of failure. The argument is mostly effective, but some areas need development.
Carol Dweck argues that achievement comes from hard work, not …show more content…

The author incorporates a specific example from Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards, as evidence. The author illustrates people with little artistic ability who tried a short drawing course from Edwards and within five days, Dweck acknowledges that “everybody could really draw” (68). From the results of the drawing course, the author shows how much progress people can achieve through the right training. The author also presents pictures of the participants’ drawings from Edwards’ book. In the beginning of the course, the participants had to draw themselves and then after the course they would draw themselves

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