Therapeutic Communication In Professional Nursing Practice

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Therapeutic communication is an essential skill that every nurse should use in professional nursing practice. Nurses need to be able to communicate therapeutically when interacting with their patients. When nurses aren’t able to communicate effectively, this can cause major gaps in patient care. (Nurses directly impact patients and their families through the use of therapeutic communication) (Baer, L., & Weinstein, E., 2013, p. 1). There are techniques for successful nurse- patient communication as well as barriers that negatively impact communication. In this paper, therapeutic communication will be explained and why it’s important in professional nursing practice. Specific techniques are needed for successful communication will be discussed as well as barriers to communication.
Therapeutic Communication defined
Therapeutic communication is best described as the caring interaction between a nurse and patient that is trusting and patient focused. It …show more content…

When assessing the patient, asking open ended questions is important. Asking open ended questions really opens the door for the patient to express what they are feeling. Using yes-no questions make the patient feel like the nurse is using a check off system. Patients tend to feel this is uncaring since the nurse quickly moves on to the next question.(Rosenberg S, Gallo-Silver L, 2011). Active listening skills are also very important for effective communicating. Listening to the patient without being focused on other tasks helps establish a trusting relationship. This makes the patient feel like they are being heard and that they are being cared for. Patient centered communication increases adherence to treatment plans, improves overall patient satisfaction and reduces the chance for malpractice risk (Kleier, 2013). Therapeutic communication promotes growth and healing in the patient’s life and gratification for the nurse. (Rosenberg S, Gallo-Silver L,

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