Therapeutic Communication In Nursing

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In all setting there are stumbling blocks to communicate ,but in the health care setting ,any deterrent can be magnified .Disease ,illness ,strange environment and presence of unfamiliar people are various foreign terms and procedures that can discard communication tremendously (Josephson,2004).That’s why it is so important for a nurse or any health care personnel to practise and use best communication skills possible(Josephson,2004).Therapeutic communication is the interchange between individual that result in desired and mutually agree upon outcome. The nurses takes responsibility for the interaction and the clients also takes priority over the nurses need. In this way the nurses maintains professional boundaries and confidentiality .A therapeutic relationship between a nurse and client does not just happen, it is created with care and skill. It is also built on the clients trust in nurse (Potter and Perry’s, 2013). A competent nurse will always use skills of effective interpersonal communication, weather it is verbally or nonverbally.
Developing a therapeutic relationship with a health consumer requires the nurse to be self-reflective or awareness. Self-awareness and self-acceptance is the most important asset the nurse has in maintaing a therapeutic relationship. It is the ability to understand his/her own feelings ,to be able to laugh at his/herself ,to know how to take care of his/herself and to like his/herself(Josephson,2004).Without all this factors a nurse may seem to be just doing her job rather than conveying a genuine respect(Josephson,2004).If the nurse understands her own feelings ,than only she can understand others feelings. Self-awareness is also about understanding a nurses own weakness ,likes ,dislikes ,stren...

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...also important, that is the nurses will understand the patient’s feelings, and will know the needs of the patients. Reflective practise is also important, as nurses can reflect on their own selves, and can turn their experiences into learning. Example, if a nurse makes any mistake or hurt a patient in any way, than they can improve their selves the next time.

Berglung, Catherine.(2002).Communication for healthcare.Newyork-oxford university express
Bradeley, jean.c (1986).Communication competence: communication in nursing context.2nd ed.East Norwalk: Appleton, century crofts
Dallas, sully (2005).Essential communication skill for nursing.United kingdom: Elsevier Mosby
Josephson, Diana (2004).Therapy for nurses: principle &practise.2nd ed.New York: Thomson Delmar Learning.
Northouse, Peter.G (1985) Health community.Englewool cliffs, New Zersey

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