Therapeutic Art Therapy

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All types of Therapy work to develop the human body to a healthy state of processing and developing mental and physical actions. Therapeutic Art involves the creation of art in order to increase awareness of self and others. This in turn may promote personal development, increase coping skills, and enhance cognitive function. It is based on personality theories, human development, psychology, family systems, and art education. Art therapists are trained in both art and psychological therapy. Therapeutic art has created an individualized process of expression and self-exploration with the intent for extensive therapeutic intervention. In the process patients can experience the underlying message of your art, which will aid within the healing …show more content…

Children especially are in a constant state of Brain plasticity and should take advantage of this fragile state to effectively communicate their thoughts through artistic outlets, one that they struggle to verbally state. Art Therapy recognizes this plasticity and uses it to accomplish therapeutic intervention. Besides helping the emotional wellbeing of patients this specific form of therapy has proven to help general illnesses as well and has shown significant strides in studies involving dementia, alzheimer's and cancer patients or other terminal illnesses. Art Therapy has completely remodelled the term therapy and this intensive process towards a patient's healing. I believe that this new therapeutic journey is not only extremely effective but should be taught in elementary schools as …show more content…

Art Therapy at a young age could help to prevent the effects of mental illnesses at older stages. Statistics state that about 50% of students ages 14 and older with a mental illness will drop out of school, and 70% of young children in juvenile or state penitentiary's suffer from a mental illness. Some of these effects are irreversible NAMI organization found that 90% of those who committed suicide suffered from a mental illness. As a country we need to be providing children with effective ways to counteract there dibilitaty disease to not only help communication, but to save a childs educations, criminal record, or even their

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