Theory Of Organizational Commitment

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The term commitment means ‘the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, job, or, activity. Commitment within the workplace remains a fascinating topic and an interesting characteristic of employee performance. The concept of commitment has continually developed through studies regarding workplace, occupation, and workgroups. Research on the matter has stemmed predominantly through the need of establishing an understanding of organizational commitment to create and uphold a committed workforce. Substantial review on organizational commitment was conducted through John Meyer and Natalie Allen (1999) and many other leading researchers such as Becker (1960). In 1991, the ‘three component …show more content…

The model suggests that organizational commitment is related to a physiological state of the employee. (Cohen 2003; Cooper-Hakim and Viswesvaran, 2005; Morrow 1993). The model categorizes commitment into three different measures that reflect how employees feel about their work place; affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment (Anon, 2017). Organizational commitment along with job satisfaction represent two half’s of what expert’s call ‘overall job attitude.' Affective organizational commitment is the employees ‘emotional’ attachment to their involvement and identification with the organization. A psychological bond is formed whereby the employee has decided to be dedicated and responsible to the organization. Text book page 118 This ‘feeling is often interpreted as employee loyalty but is arguably suggested that loyalty and affective commitment differ in definition.

Affective commitment is often extracted from ‘contingent commitment.' Contingent commitment involves thorough evaluation on calculative attachment to the organization. One of two forms occurs when an employee has no alternate choice but to continue …show more content…

Perhap’s increasing our ….. commitment would have increased our enjoyment and participation within the task. This would have allowed for a better overall understanding of the task and higher then satisfactory answer’s to question’s as more head’s would have been put together. to improve our achievement, we perhaps could apply the three-component model of commitment to our learning situation. I learnt that psychological affects play a major role in performance and commitment, not only in the work force but in group situations too. In future, I will make a conscious effort to communicate more with my group and to encourage success. Encouraging positive changes to increase interest and engagement is another strategy to improve performance. People are more likely to perform greater if they experience positivity within the task. Applying positive changes. Perhaps if I ever become a Human resource manager I could apply this model within the work

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