Theory Of Act Utilitarianism And Legalization Of Marijuana

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Theory of Act Utilitarianism and Legalization of marijuana
Marijuana is the most popular illicit drug in America, despite the fact it is a scheduled 1 drug, meaning it has a high potential for abuse, has no currently accepted medical use in treatment, and there is a lack of accepted safety for the use of marijuana under medical supervision. Marijuana comes from the hemp plant cannabis sativa. Most people smoke the plant’s dried leaves, flowers, stems and seeds. But marijuana can also be mixed into food, brewed as tea, or inhaled with a vaporizer. When you inhale marijuana smoke into your lungs, it is quickly released into your bloodstream on its way to your brain and other organs. It takes a little longer to be absorbed when you eat or drink it.
THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the chemical responsible for most of marijuana’s psychological effects. It acts much like the cannabinoid chemicals made naturally by the body. Cannabinoid receptors are concentrated in certain areas of the brain associated with thinking, memory, pleasure, coordination, and time perception. THC attaches to these receptors and activates them and affect’s a person’s memory, pleasure, movements, thinking, concentration, coordination, and sensory and time perception. The main benefit is the pleasure it brings. Not only is it enormously relaxing, but can greatly enhance the pleasure of sensory activities, such as eating, listening to music, and having sex.
Act Utilitarianism theory was the best choice to explain my position on marijuana. For the reason that it is the belief that it is the right action that brings the greatest happiness to the greatest number of people. It is a concept that believes that the morality of an action is determined by its usefulnes...

... middle of paper ..., quitting can be unpleasant. Second, long term heavy use can cause mild cognitive damage, which may decrease happiness. Third, getting high all the time would make a person unproductive. Fourth, smoking pot is bad for your respiratory system and your gums. However ingesting marijuana in other ways, for example, by baking it into brownies should not be bad for your lungs or gums at all.
When we look at the harms and benefits, the occasional use of pot hardly seems to be the moral issue at all, there are no known disadvantages of it. Casual use to be a matter of personal preference. Heavy marijuana use raises more complex issues. The pleasure one gets from long-term, heavy use outweigh the disadvantages, depending on the person. Marijuana should be legalized because of its benefits. On the other hand, the disadvantages do need to be taken into consideration.

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