Theme Of Suffering In Man's Search For Meaning

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It is human nature for people to have the desire to overcome hardships and succeed in just about everything in which they participate. No matter the type of suffering or the extent of the suffering endured in whatever situation, people strive to be successful. In “The Matrix”, the characters aboard the ship suffered a great amount in order to save all of humanity from suffering under the rule of the computers, and defied all odds in order to do so. The Jewish people, about whom were written in Man’s Search for Meaning, by Viktor E. Frankl, did whatever they could to overcome their suffering in the concentration camps under the Nazi regime of the early 1940s. Avi Dalal overcame a different kind of suffering in Tel Aviv when he had to overcome …show more content…

In “The Matrix” and “Ever Heard of the Suffering Pizza Man? True Challenger Story.”, the main characters choose the path with more suffering, fully knowing the risks, benefits, and consequences of the future because those paths would add much more excitement to the lives of the main characters. In Man’s Search for Meaning and in the case of my Uncle Mario, the people are victims of forced suffering, given absolutely no choice on whether they desire to have a new, tremendous challenge to their lives or not. “The Matrix” fits into this category as well, although this form of suffering may be more difficult for the average viewer of the movie to comprehend. In “The Matrix”, Neo was given the choice of whether he wanted to suffer or not by having the option of taking the red pill or the blue pill. Neo had an idea of what the consequences would be if he chose the red pill, but Neo knew that if he chose the blue pill, he would never discover the mystery behind the red pill. Neo chose to take the risk of swallowing the red pill in order to experience everything taking the red pill had to offer, even if it meant a great amount of suffering. Neo followed typical human nature, because “as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery” (Agent Smith, Matrix). Neo longed for a new, …show more content…

In “The Matrix”, Man’s Search for Meaning, and in the case of my uncle Mario, the suffering that they endured or are enduring was not chosen by the sufferers. Typically, humans tend to bring suffering upon themselves in order to create more excitement in their lives. Unfortunately, the lives of the aforementioned people brought an unexpected suffering upon them, and they had to or have to deal with it, whether they want to or not. In “The Matrix”, the people brought the suffering upon themselves through the creation of extremely advanced technology, although they did not purposely bring their suffering upon themselves. Even though the vast majority of people alive around 2070 in “The Matrix” did not know it, they had been suffering since before they were born, trapped for life as batteries to maintain the power system of a humongous artificial intelligence system, their minds suffering through a false life created by the artificial intelligence in order to keep the minds of the suffering people at ease. One may assume that many of these people found joy in their suffering inside the computer-generated mind world, considering the world was created based on what was considered by the artificial intelligence to be the peak of human civilization. Even people who had escaped the Matrix found joy in the artificial computer land, such as when Cypher savored an

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