Theme Of Ralph's Leadership In Lord Of The Flies

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“If we have a signal going, they’ll come, and take us off. We ought to have rules. Where the conch is that a meeting. The same up here as down there” (golding 42). In Lord of the flies this demonstrate Ralph’s capable of true leadership, because he has the capability to keep society stable compared to Jack’s savages. Making sure that the boys are not up to any mischief. Ralph knows whats it means to have a functional society unlike Jack. Ralph display more initiative as a leader. Ralph is one who assembling the meeting and covering over the flaws in the society, and also using piggy intellectual and agree with piggy ideas towards the island. His commitment helps the boys be on task. Ralph’s a good leader, as he brings order instead of chaos. “I was chief, and you were going to do what I said" (golding 133). This shows, Ralph hates Jack because he disrespect to his order of getting along. This also shows, He makes sure that he hates when they’re acting like fools. For …show more content…

“Things are breaking up. I don’t understand why, it began so well, we were happy and then’...Then people got frightened (golding 87-88).” This is because Ralph is thinking and try to calm down the littluns because of the “beast.” He sees how the boys are lacking on their works/duty on the island because of being distracted by jack to go and find the beast. Ralph seeing how Jack starts getting the way of trying to better the island for them. In conclusion, Ralph understands his role and how important it is for the boys. Ralph respect the boys as individuals unlike Jack. Ralph is very intelligent for organizing being a big brother to the boys. Ralph knows what's wrong and bad, as he has moral knowing when Simon knowing that was murder. He's has outstanding leader and had patience and care for the boys. Ralph has leadership, morality, and responsibility of being natural

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