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Similarities between Beowulf and Jesus
Pagan values in beowulf
Pagan values in beowulf
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Recommended: Similarities between Beowulf and Jesus
Beowulf was written in England, a classic poem that tells of the exploits of a hero that battles with a monster by the name of Grendel. This is one of the longest surviving Anglo-Saxon poems. This poem was telling of the time of societies progression of converting from the Paganism religion to the Christianity religion. The Christian influences in the poem were combined with the early folk tales and heroic legends of the Germanic tribes. You can see that Beowulf believes in GOD, however, the mention of pagan practices are throughout the poem. This may have a tendency to overshadow the elements of Christianity. As a matter of fact Christianity and Paganism are so closely intertwined with each other in the poem. The reason for that is, Beowulf …show more content…
Beowulf is shown as a superhero, who takes it upon himself to save the Great Danes from the monster Grendel. In his battle with Grendel, Beowulf chooses not to use weapons against the monster, he wants to fight him in a fair fight. So Beowulf relies on his super strength to win the fight. During the fight, his strength takes over and he wrestles with Grendel until he is able to rip Grendel’s arm out of socket. Now let’s start with how Christianity was introduced. Christianity was introduced by the character Beowulf always trusting in God as his protector and how God uses him as an epic hero type to slay the monsters, Grendel and others, as well that are hurting King Hrothgar and his people. Beowulf’s courage and faith are shown throughout the story, “None of the wise one regretting his ongoing as much he was loved by the Geats and they urged on to adventure” (114-119). Beowulf fought Grendel and his mother and risked his life for his fellow warriors. The character Beowulf is shown as a similar hero from the biblical times named David. Beowulf can be seen as this Christian story of salvation. The author shows that there is evil within the story like the monsters, Grendel, his mother and the Dragon the who took Beowulf’s life. The author introduces Grendel at the beginning of the story, it is said that the monster Grendel is to bare the mark of Cain. …show more content…
Also, the character of the monster Grendel is a man liked creature who, seeks a full meal by devouring human beings. During Grendel’s attack the following night we are informed that Grendel is becoming more murderous in the night and becoming more evil. Grendel is a representation and a symbol of evil for Christians who worship the Lord, but at the same time it also Grendel also symbolizes the unfairness and the closed minded way of people thinking. Now the way the character Beowulf is played on showing Christianity in the poem is by, Beowulf thanking God when he kills Grendel and his mother. A quote that shows what Grendel looks like “bore hardly that he heard each day loud mirth in the hall” (88-9). This mirth is then described as 'sound of the harp ' and ' song of the scoop”. Another time before Beowulf goes to fight Grendel, Hrothgar goes to Beowulf and says, “Surely the Lord Almighty could stop his madness, smother control the outcome”. When Beowulf is getting ready to fight Grendel, he says, “I fancy my fighting strength, my performance in combat, at least as great as Grendel does his therefore I shall not cut short his life with a slashing of a sword-too simple a business (675-680). This is showing that Beowulf is going to fight the monster Grendel on equal terms and not dishonor himself by taking the easy way out, just like Jesus knew that he was going to be betrayed by
The theology which appears in the Christian allusions in Beowulf is very vague and indefinete: there is no mention of Christ, the saints, miracles, Mary His Mother, specific doctrines of the church, martyrs of the church, the New Tes...
Beowulf is steeped in a pagan tradition that depicts nature as hostile and forces of death as uncontrollable. Blind fate picks random victims; man is never reconciled with the world. Beowulf ends a failure. There is some truth in this conclusion, but for the most part, someone who didn’t have a well-lived life has most likely portrayed it.
The use of religion in the story alludes to the fact that Beowulf is a Christ figure by showing the reader that God has sent Beowulf to defeat Grendel, similar to how Jesus was sent to Earth to absolve people of sin. In the following quote, Beowulf is fighting Grendel and the narrator describes God’s impact on Beowulf. “The monster wrenched and wrestled with him/ But Beowulf was mindful of his mighty strength,/ The wondrous gifts God had showered on him:/ He relied for help on the Lord of All,/ On His care and favour. So he overcame the foe, /brought down the hell-brute” (Beowulf 1269-1274). The “ wondrous gifts” that God had bestowed upon
...hem greatly. The Beowulf poet makes sure to include small but meaningful references to the paganistic background of the epic poem. There are too many pagan symbols scattered throughout the work to be ignored, and too many rules of the Christian religion are broken by the characters of the poem for an argument to be made against the paganism of Beowulf. Also, we must not forget that ideas such as fate and revenge, which are shunned in Christianity, are two of the main themes in this story. Consequently, even though the Beowulf poet may have been Christian, as for the poem itself, all signs point towards paganism.
The text of Beowulf clearly shows that at some point in time Biblical allusions were added to it, and suggests that someone learned in Christianity helped shape the story. The initial depiction of Grendel regarded the beast as “a fiend out of hell,” and claimed, “…he had dwelt for a time in misery among the banished monsters, Cain’s clan, whom the Creator had outlawed and condemned as outcasts.” References to hell, Cain, and “the Creator”, make it evident that Christian elements were present in the story. More importantly, the reference to “the Creator” shows that monotheistic theory was incorporated into the text. Grendel’s relationship to this “Creator” is further elaborated on, in which case the author refers to the latter as “Eternal Lord”, “Almighty”, and “God.” All four of which are common ways to refer to the individual Christian God, and were capitalized as would have been in the Bible.
In the epic poem Beowulf, the struggle between good and evil reveals its omnipresence in even the oldest of tales. The many allusions and symbols throughout the story relate to Christianity and other Pagan beliefs. By looking at them, it becomes apparent that the author of Beowulf believed that the constant war between good and evil is not only fought by the common man but also in the ranks of their highest esteemed rulers and warriors, and even in their dreaded nightmares where monsters lurk and wait for the death of man. Beowulf was written during the budding of Christianity in England, when it was newly forming. In the story there are obvious references to Christian rituals.
In this religion, Christians believe that: no one can survive and be protected without the faith of believing in God, that the son of God is to be humble and unselfish, and that the life that one life and happiness was given to them by God. Beowulf a New Telling was originally written in Paganism then converted to Christianity. Christianity and Paganism are very close religions. There are many discussions rather Beowulf has Element of Christianity or not. People say that Beowulf represents God through his leadership, and risking his life for the peoples benefit, much like God did. Although others believe that Beowulf's heroic pride for defeating the demons, comes in conflicts with the Christian values. When Beowulf is taking on the monster, he says “Grendel, child of Cain, come down into Heortot. I am Beowulf, son of Ecgtheow. I am Beowulf, not afraid of you. I am Beowulf, come to kill you!”(Nye 69). As people know too much pride in oneself will lead to a decline in the person's life. Beowulf is continually referring back to God as his savior in this book, Beowulf talks about his battle with Grendel's mother and says that he would have died if it wasn't for God guarding him. People thrilled of the win, “His men were too astonished to rise a cheer. Some fell on their knees and offered thanks to God” (Nye 122). Meaning with someone’s dedication to the faith of God, with his protection you will be safe. Much like God, he sacrifices to die on the cross for his people and the future, Beowulf sacrifices his life while fighting the dragon for his
“In my youth I engaged in many wars”, Beowulf boasts to his warriors, which is certainly true. Throughout his life, he faces many deadly foes, all of which he handily defeats, save one. His story focuses on the most challenging, as well as morally significant of foes, Grendel and the dragon. These creatures reveal much about society as well as Christian virtue at the time. Even after Grendel and the dragon are defeated physically, the two monsters pose a new threat to the hero on a higher plane. Beowulf is not only at risk of losing his life, but his humanity, virtue, and even spirituality.
Beowulf is one of those stories that make the reader think. Although the unknown author of Beowulf develops the main protagonist to represent both paganism and Christianity, the ideals conflict and create a unique epic poem. Throughout the story, the reader sees a mix of Christian and pagan ideals telling a story of an epic hero. Because the reader cannot decipher whether he is pagan or Christian, it is only logical to assume he represents both. The author develops Beowulf to speak as if the two religions work together to create one. Although it is hard for the reader to understand, Beowulf seems to understand exactly what he believes in. The author clearly knew what he was doing when he wrote Beowulf into life. Beowulf's beliefs made him into the great epic hero that he is.
The poem Beowulf is a renowned story that displays many different surroundings and religious beliefs. Some may believe the story of Beowulf portrays pagan beliefs or customs and others believe that the poem is more in agreement with Christian ethnicity. The author of Beowulf uses both Christian and pagan elements in the poem to define the heroic warrior, Beowulf, and the evil dragons. After reading Beowulf the author clearly shows how Beowulf is a man who is filled with Christian customs and is willing to die and defend the world against evil using the help of God.
Even though many Pagan influences appear in the poem, Christian influences override them. An example would be when Beowulf saved the Danes from Grendel. He also expressed a fair attitude towards battles when he refused to use a weapon. The idea of loyalty, a hero, and a giver are all signs of Christianity. Beowulf could be seen as Christ when trying to help the people as Grendel could be compared to Satan who tries to destroy happiness and well-doing.
Anglo-Saxon went from a belief-system based on paganism to one based on Christianity. Beowulf is a heroic folktale that illustrates the fight between the good, Beowulf, against the force of evil, Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the dragon. Beowulf is able to defeat every last one of these monsters. Beowulf is a representative of Christianity. While, the monsters are representative of the elements of paganism. This shows that Christianity is the rightful, true path of religious belief since it overpowers paganism. This is shown in the story of Beowulf, “Grendel…would have killed more, had not mindful God and one man’s daring prevented that doom. Past and present, God’s will prevails” (71). This shows that the good, Christianity, will overcomes the evils of paganism. By using these elements of religion in this way, Beowulf is being used as a method of education. It is teaching the public that Christianity is the proper system of beliefs. As J. R.R Tolkien analyses, in “Beowulf: The Monsters and the
Both the novel Grendel and the epic Beowulf touch on religious themes connected with Christianity. The epic tale Beowulf was created and told by the Anglo Saxons who at first were pagan, however converted to Christianity following their travel to Britain. This resulted in Christian themes and messages commonly appearing in epics. “The sky says nothing, predictably. I make a face, uplift a defiant middle finger, and give an obscene little kick. The sky ignores me, forever unimpressed. Him too I hate,” (Gardner 6). Gardner shows that Grendel does not have a good relationship with god, he is disconnected. Constantly Grendel feels that he is being judged and ignored. God looks down on his actions such as murder, however the beast can not change this about him, it is
Beowulf has been estimated to have been written over twelve hundred years ago. According to The Norton Anthology Of English Literature, “It is now widely believed that Beowulf is the work of a single poet who was a Christian and that his poem reflects a well-established Christian tradition,” (37). This conclusion was likely drawn by accounting for the time at which Beowulf was written and factoring in most people in the area of where it was believed to be written had already been converted to Christianity. In a way, this provides the best explanation for why Beowulf contains a high level of Christian influences for the story to have taken place when it did. Dr. J. Michael Stitt of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas says that, “Much of this epic poem is dedicated to conveying and exemplifying the heroic code which values such attributes as strength, courage and honor. Conflicting with this ideology are other factors such as Christianity, and these tensions affect the lives and decisions of the narrative's characters.” If the one of the main focuses in Beowulf is the heroic code and the heroic code convicts with the authors beliefs than why did he write it? This is not to say that authors do not write about things that they ...
Beowulf succeeded in accomplishing noble deeds for the Danish people. “Beowulf survives only through the protection of God, that all earthly gifts flow from God, and that the only proper bearing of men is to be humble and unselfish” (Christian Elements in Beowulf). Within the text Grendel is an enemy of God. The hero’s conflict with the monster Grendel represented the battle between good and evil. This is a main focal point for the Catholic teachings. Beowulf’s determination to defeat Grendel is interpreted as God’s will to defeat