Theme Of Innocence In The Odyssey

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“…Man skilled in all ways of contending, the wanderer, harried for years on end, after he plundered the strong hold of the proud height of Troy.” In this quote from The Odyssey translated by Robert Fitzgerald (page 1045) Odysseus’s strenuous journey home to Ithaca is addressed. Plundered is a term often used in texts with older settings; meaning to take goods by force. In The Odyssey, Odysseus is faced with many trials before he returns to Ithaca. Once of these trials occurs in the Land of the Dead; Odysseus meets three ghosts and reveals certain aspects of his character that were not formerly shown.
Odysseus’s reaction to the three ghosts he saw in the Land of the Dead were similar in various ways. First of all, Odysseus treated all three with a high level of respect and kindness. “I promise you the barrow and the burial.” In this quotation from, Robert Fitzgerald’s translation of The Odyssey (page 1067); Odysseus treats his fallen comrade with utmost respect for the dead. He promises to return to the Island of Aeaea and give Elpenor his much deserved respect. Also, Odysseus is awestruck at …show more content…

One example of this behavior is when, Odysseus greets Elpenor vs Tiresas. To greet Elpenor, Odysseus is joking comfortably and at ease; with Tiresas he is solemn and respectful. Anticlea is treated extremely different that the other two ghosts. Odysseus holds back and doesn’t have an actual face to face conversation with her. “Seeing this ghost I grieved, but held her off, through pang on pang of tears…” In this quote from Robert Fitzgerald’s translation of The Odyssey, Odysseus has just learned of his mother’s death (page 1067; line 617-618) Odysseus doesn’t fall apart and sob like a normal person would. Instead, he holds together because he knows Tiresas will be near soon and he can’t miss his opportunity. Obviously, the reactions to all three ghosts vary in some

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