Theme Of Erotic Play In Brave New World

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According to Sigmund Freud, the human mind is made up of the id, ego and super ego which work together in order create human behaviour. Consequently, the mind of an individual is very complex and difficult to manipulate when they are fully developed. However, if this development of these three parts are hindered or influenced by certain factors, it becomes easier to control that individual. In the novel Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, the World State stunts the psychological development of its citizens through soma, erotic play, and hypnopaedia in order to create a false utopian society.
From the moment they are decanted, the World State manipulates the id of its citizens by soma into their society which prevents them from developing other …show more content…

Firstly, the World State uses erotic play to influence the ego of its citizens by allowing the release of sexual desire for its citizens in a socially acceptable way. This is seen when the Director was giving a tour, his group comes across a “little boy seems rather reluctant to join in the ordinary erotic play” (26). The group reaction of the boy’s odd behaviour signifies how the World State has already influenced their ego. Since erotic play at such a young age is not viewed as socially acceptable in modern society, the Word State introduces erotic play is an ordinary action. When the population is exposed to sexual pleasure at such young age, it creates an illusion that the World State is truly a utopian society filled with pleasure and happiness but in reality their ego is used to satisfy their id. As a result, the id of the citizens of World State overpowers their ego and causes a lack of interpersonal skills. After Lenina and John went on their first date, she attempts to sleep with him but he leaves and her distraught behaviour can be seen in the lack of structure of her sentence: “But, John . . . I though you were . . . I mean, aren’t you . . .?” (148). Once again, Lenina’s id took control and her need for sexual pleasure overshadowed her ego, which lead to her rejection. Since she does not have any proper interpersonal skills, she cannot properly communicate with John who is from the Savage Reservation and had developed an ego. John’s attitude also portrays how the World State inhibits the development of the ego because he displayed the typical reaction of shyness and does not want to have sex with Lenina. In conclusion, the World State cause the id of their citizens to overshadow the go and hinder its development through erotic play which creates an illusion of a utopian

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