The classification of reptiles

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Reptiles, the class reptilian, are an evolutionary grade of animals. The reptile family consists of an order and a class one big family of species that has all evolved from one another. These 3 groups being Crocodilian, Squamata, and Testudines. Reptiles have been around for millions of years. The earliest known reptiles originated 340-335 million years ago during the carboniferous period, having evolved from advanced reptile-like amphibians that became increasingly adapted to life on dry land. Although there are some reptiles who live on land, water or land and water, reptiles come in all different shapes, sizes, color’s. There are many diverse reptile groups that are extinct due to massive extinction events. Reptiles are a tetrapod vertebrates meaning they have four limbs, or like snakes being descended from for limb ancestors. Most reptiles are oviparous meaning they are egg layers, although there are some reptiles that are viviparous meaning they carry a fetus in there stomach. The crocodilian has 25 species, squamata has over 9,600 species, and the testudines has approximately 400 species.

The crocodilian is an order of a large predatory semiaquatic reptiles who have been around for millions of years. Roughly around 83.5 million years ago is when the crocodilian first appeared, the crocodilian family consists of the alligators, caimans, and the gavial idea family. Crocodilians are a solid massive lizard like reptile, they have long flattened snouts, and compressed tails. Crocodilians are elite swimmers and can also move on land in a “High or Low walk” some smaller species can even gallop. These reptiles have a four chambered heart that is somewhat similar to birds, and have a unidirectional looping system o...

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... fascinating groups on species in the world. Some of these species can live for decades, whether it is turtle’s lizards, snakes, and these animals have dated back to Jurassic park era. Reptiles come in all shapes and sizes, some have scales and some have a shell, but they are all cold blooded animals. All the reptiles fall in an order, some are higher up in the order than others. The classification of reptiles is hard to distinguish unlike other animals because the main evolution time was during the Mesozoic period. Scientist are still studying these amazing creatures learning more and more about the era of which they have originated from. It is amazing to think that some of these creatures’ ancestors were walking around with the dinosaurs at one time. The reptile family consists of an order and a class one big family of species that has all evolved from one another

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