Ceratopsians and Pachycephalosaurs

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Ceratopsians and Pachycephalosaurs

Around 144 million years ago, began the emergence of the Ornithischian dinosaurs during the cretaceous period and diversified into North America and Asia.
Ornithischians were classified as having a hip structure similar to that of birds, although they are not the descendants of birds. Marginocephalians, meaning "fringed heads" are a group of Ornithischians that have a distinctive skull structure, consisting of a slight shelf or bony frill on the back of the skull, a unique palate, and a short hip structure. These herbivores include two major groups: the Ceratopsians and the Pachcephalosaurians.
These plant-eaters include the Ceratopsians, horned dinosaurs such as the Triceratops, Styrachosaurus, Pentaceratops, and the Protoceratops. Pachycephalosaurians, thick-skulled dinosaurs like such as the Stegoceras and the Pachycephalosaurus. (1)
Ceratopsians and Pachycephalosaurs are closely related in their characteristics. Ceratopsians processed a saddle-shaped boney frill that extended from the skull to the neck and typically had horns over the nose and eyes. The most popular was the triceratops, which could reach over 26 feet and weigh in excess of twelve metric tons. Their frills served as two major functions. It protected the vulnerable neck from being harmed. The second major function that the frill provided was due to the fact that the frill contained a network of blood vessels on its underside, which were used as a means to get rid of excess heat. The Pachycephalosaurs were considered to be bipedal. They were also found to have thick skulls, flattened bodies, and tail that were covered in an array of body rods. Pachycephalosaurs were thought to have been more than fifteen feet long and processed a skull that was surrounded by a rounded dome of solid bone. It was thought that they used their heads in combat or mating contests, but that was disproved fairly recently, which I will discuss later in the paper. Both Ceratopsians and Pachycephalosaurs were “bird-hipped” and both of these suborders contained a backwards pubic bone. Both were Marginocephilia, or “fringed heads”, which is one of three clads under the Orinthiscia order. They were also herbivore dinosaurs that inherited their fringe at the back of the skull from earlier ancestors.(2) Their classi...

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...silophodon, a small, agile bipedal herbivore. The Ceratopsians appeared at beginning of cretaceous period from the family Ornithopoda. Pachycephalosaurs contained a ten inch thick skull, which was actually fairly fragile, and their first line of self defense would be to run away. Ceratopsians, which mean horned face, are large beasts with horns that can defend themselves pretty well. Both were very similar, but contained distinct differences.

Works Cited

1) Carroll, R. L. 1988. Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution. W. H. Freeman and Company, New York.
2) http://www.trueauthority.com/dinosaurs/about.htm
3) Dr. Robert Riesz, University of Toronto, “Ceratopsia and Ornithopoda” http://www.erin.utoronto.ca/~w3bio356/lectures/ceratopsia_and_ornithopoda.html 4) Enchanted Learning; “Pachycephalosaurus” http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/dinosaurs/dinos/Pachy.shtml
5) American Museum of Natural History

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