The Writing Style Of Mark Twain

806 Words2 Pages

There are many famous authors such as, Shakespeare, Dante, and Dickens that stands out in American Literature history. However, there is one particular author that will catch your eye for his inimitable style of writing. Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, is one of the greatest authors that we learn about in school. His most famous works include, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, along with its sequel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Lyttle 123). He was not just known for his unique writing style, but also his sense of humor. The writing style that Twain wrote in, would not be tolerated today, considering there are numerous punctuation errors that show up in his work. He spoke with such big vocabulary that many people did not understand at the time. His writing style and the type of stories he wrote is what made Mark Twain stand out to the world.
Mr. Twain, however, has many different types of writings that he produced, especially a few short stories. Is doing the right thing always the right thing to do? This is a question that Mark Twain raises after reading his short story, “The Story of The Good Little Boy”. Mark Twain may be referencing the events of his own life in the story. He had to overcome tragedies in his own life and at times it seemed no matter how much good he did negative results were inevitable. Many, many year’s later in Mr. Twain’s life, he went through the darkest of times. All of his writings turned brutal and unbarring. The stories that were being published started to, “focus on human greed, cruelty and questioned the humanity of the human race”(A Life Lived). “Like any good journalist‚ Sam Clemens‚ a.k.a. Mark Twain‚ spent his life observing and reporting on his surroundings. In his writin...

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...ns were slightly self-righteous and contributed to his ambition of having his life in what he called “a Sunday school book” (Twain, 605). Jacob Blivens was doing what is right, but all for the wrong reasons.
While reading, “The Story of a Good Little Boy”, the word perfection is the first thought that comes to mine, the entire story. Jacob Blivens was trying to be the perfect Sunday school book boy who was perfect and continuously did the right thing, and would always be rewarded at the end of the day. But Jacob did not realize that was not always the case until his extreme emotional death. Twain knew this universe was not like that, and would never be, “perfect”. Perfection is good to strive for but be able to come to the realization that perfection is unattainable. As Mark Twain once wrote, “Supposing is good, but finding out is better”(A Life Lived).

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