The Worst Day of My Life As a Blogger

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Hello friends, it's almost two months I haven't posted a single content as got a bit busy in my clients and on my niche sites. Today's post is about my personal experience what I faced even after I was having my Backup all I can say is a matter of luck. So we are not going to discuss how to take a backup of your site, it's just about how important is to have a backup so that you are ready for any disaster. was my first blog, and everybody knows the feeling of first love. Still it was not one of the best site, but I learned from it a lot. Copying content from eBooks and searching on Google, have that article been used before and if not I use to publish it on my site. A complete fully researched article and Copyscape passed. Most of you might be knowing that I am a Merchant Mariner in simple words a guy who works on Cargo Ships, and those who don't know it's time for them to know as well. In Mid ocean we don't have internet connections whenever I reach to any country where my ships call, the first thing I do is purchasing internet pack. So, I was in the USA and ship was at anchor waiting for available berth when one of my friends mailed me that the site got hacked. Nothing I can do instead of waiting for Internet connectivity, But the disaster can't be stopped at your will. I was still relaxed that copy of backup is on my lappy as well on my external hard disk. What if I say at the same time my laptop hard disk got corrupt (laptop was five years old and still I have kept that as a memory and my son plays with it nowadays). External hard disk as well stops working, sounds crazy right but it's the truth and worst experience ever faced. Till now within 2 days my site got hacked and all saved backups on two external places got corrupted, and now I don't have any other options left. Still I was relaxed as no hard work was done on it, a complete copy paste job (site was still ranking and managing to get around 3-5$ per day). Lesson learned Disaster can come in any form - A quick tip or say suggestion Be lazy in publishing a post but take a backup regularly.

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