The Word Toxic Gaming Community

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Today, English has so many weird phenomena’s around the usage of certain words. Using a word can mean something completely different within certain community’s. It is also hard to stay up to date with all the slang and culture shifts around our language. For example, the word toxicity has so many different meanings and ways to apply it. I will show people proper and improper ways to use the word. I will also take people through the origin and the gaming community that uses it. Toxicity: the quality, relative degree, or specific degree of being toxic or poisonous. This is the dictionary’s definition of the word. In general, most people will understand this meaning of the word. In plain terms, the word refers to something harmful to consume …show more content…

This hardcore gaming community resides mainly on twitch tv. This is a place where most game slang is born. It is a website where gamers can livestream themselves playing a game. Whether they are a big celebrity within the game or just a random guy. Its where most of the hardcore gamers go to enjoy some entertainment and use this slang. I guarantee if someone would visit this site and go to a chat room they would see the word toxic being thrown around. This is the community were the word toxic was born and is still around …show more content…

Griefing: when a player is purposefully not following the rules to ruin another person’s experience. Griefing is a big issue within the gaming world. Some games do not have a streamlined set of rules and therefore are easily exploited by people. It’s like if someone were to play a game of soccer and purposefully kick the ball to the other team. They also might kick the ball out of bounds to make their own team suffer. This makes a very nasty environment for all players suffering from that one toxic guy. This results in wasting peoples time and patience for the game. Toxic players will often have excuses when they mess up a play in a game. They will never take the blame and say sorry. Instead, they will make up excuses or blame other players for their mishap. This causes great frustration and often will make the team morale dive for the worst. Gamers see this every day they play a competitive game. People will never see a quarter back throw a terrible pass then proceed to blame someone in the crowd. This doesn’t make since and frustrates everyone who is trying to enjoy the

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