The Whole Student Theme

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The Dalton Institute held the the Institute on College Values event. This year’s theme was “Student Activism & Advocacy: Education’s Role in Fostering Ethical Leadership and Moral Commitment”. The keynote speaker Dr. Atira Charles touched on numerous themes that everyone could relate to. Dr. Charles really had the audience engaged with her confident yet witty speech. I could see everyone’s eyes were very attentive to her movements, the tone of her voice, her approach of conversation. Dr. Charles weaved through distinct themes that allowed the audience to feel connected in an interpersonal manner.
“Intra-individual- emotions we have, impacts the behavior” stated by Dr. Charles herself, was the opening to her first theme, “Identity: Individual …show more content…

Contrary to this theme being introduced earlier in the speech, it resonated with me most. The whole student deals with students crying out because they want to express and be accepted through their whole self and not have to play chameleon. The student cry is essentially the student feeling helpless and feel like an outcast. I relate to this most because I currently struggle with finding my identity. I am lost, walking down a lonely winding road. I have no clue where I fit in, even with relationships I’ve already established with others. To sum it up, in a crowd of familiar faces, I am still lonely. This in turns, leads to the “Psychology of threat” theme. Dr. Atira explained a metaphor to the audience. This example referred to people wearing a T-shirt. The T-shirt is a reflection of one’s self-being and how one is either satisfied or dissatisfied with that shirt. Taking off the shirt or changing it would deal with the individual going through a liminal phase of life, which ultimately leads to them incorporating a new aspect of themselves to their whole self. Derived from the “Psychology of Affirmation” theme, “Affirmation isn’t simply positive thinking. It transforms the way people think; that’s way more positive then their …show more content…

Charles have been involved with many different projects. One that interested me was her publication titled, “The Intersection of Race and Politics: A Framework of Racialized Organizational Politics Perceptions”. This book talks about the magnitude at which individuals are convinced that their racial class is impacting their social intercommunications and shared meanings as well as the possibility to maneuver through the environment in a way that is beneficial to them and affiliates of their racial class. I do agree with the book in the sense that society as a whole encompasses different races that solely look out for their group. For example, the current black lives matter movement depicts the adversities of what it is and what it means to be an African American in todays society. Nowadays, black individuals are looking out for each other and are basically confining their actions so that white individuals would not have a reason to retaliate. As a racial class, we unite to better our social standing and protect our rights from being

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