The View of Nature

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The Romantics had a unique connection and view of nature. In many ways nature was like a religion to them. They worshiped and cherished nature and its beauty. The contemporary view of nature is largely based on what can be proved by science. People now believe what can be verified by scientists as the truth, but there are a few exceptions to that. Some people now want to protect nature like the romantics wanted to all those years ago. Romantics looked to find the answers to their questions in nature.
Artists and poets from the romantic era worked hand in hand to show the beauty and power of nature. They believed nature had a healing power for your emotions. Romantics believed you should live in nature rather than the urban areas. Many of the works from the romantic era expressed the unity of humans and nature. William Woodsworth and Percy Bysshe Shelley headlined the poets from the romantic era. It’s hard to put into better words the Woodsworth did in his piece; Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tinturn Abbey, when he said “The anchor of my purest thoughts, nurse, the guide, the guar...

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