The Vancouver Convention Center has established not only a relationship with nature, but also an incredibly sustainable one. The convention center does address marine life, but it also addresses the water itself. One incredibly sustainable feature of the convention center is the seawater heating and cooling system. The system “pumps seawater over a heat exchanger to control indoor temperatures”5 minimizing overall building energy by 66%. In addition to indoor temperatures, with advanced lighting controls and the consistent exposure to sunlight, the building is able to function 23% of the day with the lights off, lowering energy consumption even further4. Another important water feature in the building is the blackwater treatment system. The system reduces potable water by an astonishing 72% compared to typical convention centers4.
The system collects and processes the buildings sewage water, treats it, and then reuses it making up nearly 80% of non-potable uses such as toilet water and irrigation. The site itself was also reused. The convention center was built on a Brownfield previo...
City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works Bureau of Engineering. Wastewater Facilities Plan Update. 1990
our pipelines and sewers where it goes to a treatment plant to be treated, but
tap water fossil fuel are not used. No type of wasted created, however, it also has its deception.
Lavandera, Ed. "Desperate to Drink, West Texas Turns to Wastewater." CNN. Cable News Network, 11 Aug. 2011. Web. 13 Nov. 2013.
This job can be done in big countries with big cities where there are large sewer systems. Li...
For every water bottle made, non-renewable resources are wasted to produce an unnecessary luxury. For the bottled water that Americans enjoy, seventeen million barrels of oil are used (excluding transportation), which could fuel more than 1.3 million cars for a year. Most water is imported and exported from places that are thousands of miles away, such as Fiji. Although oil is controversial in nature, for every one liter of water produced, three liters are used. The excess water wasted can supply clean water to the world’s poorest countries.
Why should we care about this topic?All of us need water everyday but many of us don't have
The bacteria and wastewater is mixed in an aeration tank and therefore the contaminants are removed by action of sorption and series of breakdown by the bacteria.
This is a Green Building Rating System that accelerates and encourages worldwide adoption of green buildings in addition to...
The process of disposing waste, producing food, and purifying bodies of water is useful today. For example, communities that live in the desert, like in the southwestern United States and in the Middle East, can use this process to farm and survive. They can use the newly purified water for their crops or for their own consumption. In addition, when algae purifies water, it releases oxygen.
The government also imposes no laws to regulate excessive lighting currently. The existing guidelines for external lighting ins...
Sewage Processing is very important part of our society. It is an essential part of our health as people. Having a good sewage system you can make life better. Sewage improves the environment through proper drainage and disposal of toxic wastewater. Yet in many cities around the world including Chicago, wastewater is being pumped into streams and rivers and our beautiful oceans.
"The United States Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that one third of all water use is used on grass, and some experts estimate that as much as 50% of that that water is wasted to evaporation, wind and runoff" (Outdoor Water Use)
Freshwater in the world makes up only a small portion of the water on the planet. While the percentage of water in the world is nearly 70%, only 2.5% is consumable. Even further, only 1% is easily accessible to basic human needs. According to National Geographic, “by 2025, an estimated 1.8 billion people will live in areas plagued by water scarcity, with two-thirds of the world's population living in water-stressed regions as a result of use, growth, and climate change.” With this current trend, water will become more immersed in environmental, economic, political, and social changes.
It includes the water found in lakes, reservoirs, and groundwater that is shallow enough to be tapped at an affordable cost. These freshwater sources are the only sources that are frequently replenished by rain and snowfall, and therefore are renewable. At the current rates of consumption, however, this supply of fresh water will not last. Pollution and contamination of freshwater sources exacerbate the problem, further reducing the amount of freshwater available for human consumption. Something must be done if humans want to even survive in the near future: the lack of clean drinking water is already the number one cause of disease in the world today.