The Vagina Monologues

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Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues is a play that focuses on a subject left untouched by most performers: vaginas. Including a diverse array of backgrounds, Ensler has interviewed hundreds of women to explore what their vaginas mean to them; she aims to discover the stories behind having a vagina, which often leads down a road of very serious discussions, including self-acceptance, body image, and sexual trauma. While being able to adapt something that may come across as entirely humorous into stories with depth and meaning, the monologues introduce a socially taboo concept with comedy, easing into more cryptic messages. For example, the monologue The Flood is told hilariously in character, but addresses the social construct in place that …show more content…

Explaining she’d always hated her vagina, she admitted that the story of accepting herself wasn’t though the ideal self enlightenment one would hope for. After Bob became captivated by her vagina and spoke of how beautiful and deep she was, the woman eventually started seeing those attributes herself. She discovered that self acceptance through a man that saw her beauty immediately. I enjoyed this monologue a lot because it talks about self acceptance in a way that’s different, and a little haphazard. Not everyone can come to love themselves in such an unreasonably expected, as she said “politically correct” way. Throughout the performance, a lot more blatantly tragic and disturbing stories were acted out. My Vagina Was My Village was told about a Bosnian woman who went though horrifying experiences at a rape camp during war. The torture she went though was unthinkable. Ensler used her play to bring to light something not easy to digest and humorous at all, and bringing that attention to it is why I think The Vagina Monologues is an amazing play. The monologue about a young girl who was raped also takes on a very serious topic, and ends in a woman finding self acceptance through the love of another

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