The United States has Changed from a Melting Pot to a Vast Culture with Varying Racial Backgrounds

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The United States has Changed from a Melting Pot to a Vast Culture with Varying Racial Backgrounds

The United States, created by blending or melting many cultures together into one common man, known as an American. Modern communication and transportation accelerate mass migrations from one continent . . . to the United States (Schlesinger 21). Ethnic and racial diversity was bound to happen in the American society. As immigration began to explode, . . . a cult of ethnicity erupted both between non-Anglo whites and among nonwhite minorities. (22).

Until recently, the only country who has made a multiethnic society work, was the United States. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur said, in America individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men. Is this still true? The creation of the U.S. was not to preserve old cultures but to forge a new,

American culture." (Schlesinger 22).

In the 20th century, the melting pot is not working, and the whole idea is under attack (Evans 76). The United States has changed from a melting pot to a vast culture with varying backgrounds. In years before, America was a collection of Chinese, Germans, Italians, Scots, Croats, etc., all craving freedom. Today, even the simple concept of an English-speaking nation is fading off the continent. In the old days, immigrants were taught in English in the public schools. (76). In America today, children are taught in German, Italian, Polish, and 108 other languages. Most of these schools are funded by 139 million federal dollars.

Until recently, emigrants in the United States longed for admittance in society's mainstream. Now these groups demand separation from society, to be able to preserve and conserve their customs and lang...

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...l. (Schlesinger 3). A positive approach would have Americans stop seeing themselves as members of primarily one ethnic group, gaining their total identity from that group. White or black, Hispanic or Asian, they must envision themselves simply as Americans.


Brookhiser, Richard. The Melting Pot is Still Simmering. Time,

1 March 1993, p. 72.

Chavez, Linda, and Cohn-Bendit, Daniel. Multicultural Society: Mosaic or Melting Pot? World Link, March/April 1992, pp. 60-64.

Evans, Harold. Melting Pot or Salad Bowl? U.S. News & World Report, 31 March 1986, p. 76.

Henry III, William A. The Politics of Separation. Time, Fall 1993, pp. 73-75.

Morganthau, Tom. America: Still a melting Pot? Newsweek,

9 August 1993, pp 16-23.

Schlesinger, Arthur. The Cult of Ethnicity, Good and Bad. Time, Date of issue, pp. 21-23.

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