The Three Sister Religions

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The most important historical fact of Christianity is the life of Jesus, the prophet that the faith of Christians is centered around. The historical Jesus grew up in Nazareth where John the Baptist baptized him, thus beginning his career as a teacher and healer of God. Little is known about where Jesus came from or what he looks like, only his personality through actions and words. Like most prophets, Jesus looked to the spiritual world to find answers to remove the suffering; John was the prophet to open Jesus’ eyes to heaven, leading him into a state solitude until he became empowered by the Spirit. The actions that speak for his personality are of power to heal sickness, cast away evil, and perform miracles, all that the prophets gave credit to Jesus, but this what not the focus of his ministry. What drew people into Jesus was his hope to heal humanity, not just people; he urged peace and loving of the enemies, which created ties with the Pharisees. However, the Pharisees did not see God as compassion, so they created categories of clean and unclean people. Christianity is originally created for the undesirables, so Jesus felt that the boundaries were not exemplifying His compassion, thus he set out to change the system. This did not sit well with the Pharisees, so Jesus began to compiled enemies of Rome, which would lead to his crucifixion. It was the death of Jesus that began the Christianity faith, but his words and deeds that empowered the people. Jesus had no new teachings that were different from those before him, but he had a weight of meaning to his words. Christ’s teachings were mostly in the forms of stories where lessons of the heart lay behind the message. Not only did he speak with authority, but he spoke out ag...

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...onsequences. The next notion is creation of world from the hands of Allah. The Koran points out that He purposefully created the universe with specific intentions, thus the world is real. The second aspect pointed out is that Allah is moral, so a world created by a justly God must also be good in nature. Just as the world is one of God’s creations and good in nature, so is mankind. The concept of man is that he has free will and is responsible his or her own behavior, however, people forget their divine origin is good. For Muslims, living comes with duties to fulfill Allah’s demands, which are simply to be thankful for all of the things in life and to surrender. By surrendering the self to God, one is taken away from the suffering of the world, yet some view this surrendering as losing freedom; the Koran is clearly implies that surrendering is an option not a law.

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