The Theme of Light and Darkness in Dracula

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The Theme of Light and Darkness in Dracula

The theme of light and darkness is used to good effect in 'Dracula'

through many ways. When considering light and darkness as an ongoing

competitive battle it is possible in 'Dracula' to incorporate themes

of 'day and night' as well as 'life and death' and 'right and wrong'

as they all share similarities in contrast.

It has been argued and said that stoker did not believe in the opinion

of extremes meaning he liked to incorporate the idea that something is

neither 'black nor white' but possibly grey. In Dracula there are good

characters and evil characters but you could also argue that certain

ones are neither and stuck between both extremes, this is another way

that shows stoker prospect of not agreeing with extremes.

Firstly there is an obvious element which is present of life VS death

within the novel, this contrast is shown through the characters,

language and imagery. Light and Dark is shown through life Vs death

and day VS night.

One point contained in the novel that suggests a contrast between the

two extremes is that it is only during the night, when supernatural,

strange things occur in contrast to daytime when nothing seems to go


When Lucy is bitten she acts as a human, during the day but during

night time her physical appearance dramatically changes because 'her

teeth were longer and her gums retracted', this shows that evil is

associated with night and good is associated with day. Although

darkness is associated with evil, there are moments in the novel that

contradict this because the reader can spot the evil characters by

their descriptions 'pale or white skin'.

It can be argued that the theme of light VS darkness is used to good

effect because the language creates an image which is easy to


Throughout the novel there are very little references to light in

contrast to darkness where there are many, this is due to the constant

presence of evil in the book, the title is a constant reminder that

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