' The Thankful Dead, And The Joyous Dead By Charles Baudelaire

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In the art world, everything is considered art, no matter how hard an artist did or din’t work on the piece of art. Art comes in many different forms and meanings. Artist can use art as a way to express themselves, get a message across to the viewers or readers, and leaving the artwork open for the viewer to decide what the art piece is. Charles Baudelaire wrote the art piece, The Joyous Dead in 1857, Henry Ossawa Tanner painted the artwork, The Thankful Poor in 1894, and Jackson Pollock painted the art work, Autumn Rhythm in 1950. These three artworks are reflections of self expression, yet they all represent a different expression. Charles Baudelaire wrote the art piece The Joyous Dead in 1857. The Joyous Dead is a poem about being buried, …show more content…

The poem The Joyous Dead by Charles Baudelaire and The artwork The Thankful Poor by Henry Ossawa Tanner have different messages. The Joyous Dead poem, is giving the message that its a joy to be dead, that no one will really miss you, that something so small might have gone wrong in your life and its better to be dead than to deal with the problem. The Thankful Poor artwork, is giving the message that they are thankful for everything they have, for being alive, for still having food on the table, and for still having each other. The things both artworks have in common are The Joyous Dead poem could be talking about a homeless person and when Charles Baudelaire says “Go through my ruin then, without remorse, and tell me if there still remains any torture, for this old soulless body, dead among the dead”, this could be meaning that no one will miss because no one knows me. The Thankful Poor artwork is talking about poverty, and homeless and poor are both people that are in poverty. Both pieces of artwork are considered self expression, one is expressing themselves in a negative way, talking about death, and the other in a positive way, giving you the idea of being thankful for what they already

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