The Technological Tower of Babel: Electronic and Digital Tongues in Media Society Works Cited Missing Anticipate the moment at which all your personal electronic devices - headphone audio player, cellular telephone, pager, dictaphone, camcorder, personal digital assistant (PDA), electronic stylus, radiomodem, calculator, Loran positioning system, smart spectacles, VCR remote, data glove, electronic jogging shoes that count your steps and flash warning signals at oncoming cars, medical monitoring system, pacemaker (if you are so unfortunate), and anything else that you might habitually wear or occasionally carry - can seamlessly be linked in a wireless bodynet that allows them to function as an integrated system and connects them to the worldwide digital network. (Mitchell 29) In City of Bits, from which the above quotation was taken, William Mitchell outlines a digitally integrated future which we need only optimistically anticipate. He goes on to discuss the possibility, or perhaps inevitability, of cyborg citizens where digital and electronic devices will extend and enhance human perception, efficiency and overall convenience. However, what is noticeably downplayed in the above quotation is reference to the citizen component of this technological symbiosis. Beyond the nebulous assertion that it will be "you" who will be wearing or carrying these devices, the only element that approximates the notion of a human within this mass of interconnected gadgetry is Mitchell's concept of the "bodynet". But rather than implying that the human body is at the center of a network of technology, this term appropriates a human characteristic and applies it to an inert collection of digital devices. What Mitchell inadvertently alludes to is the fact that as our cybernetic components begin to communicate with each other, our biological half is increasingly relegated to the periphery of this communication, and by extension, of this new cybernetic existence. If technology is to play the pivotal role outlined in City of Bits, the most important development to come out of the notion of the cyborg citizen may well be the drowning out of the human voice under the increasingly boisterous voice of technology. Although Mitchell's concept of the cyborg citizen may be some years away, the groundwork for the removal of human language has already been laid. Not only does technology circumvent human language through intra-technological communication, it also devalues it as humans become more dependent on technologically mediated language transmission. The telephone, the television, and most recently the Internet and digital technologies deconstruct and then reconstitute human content at reception sites.
In Federalist Paper 51 titled, “The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Checks and Balances Between the Different Departments,” James Madison proposed a new structure of federal government that he felt would solve the problems of the former government. The former system of government relied on state governments that were able to oppress its peoples. The Federalist Papers sought to prevent anarchy by way of a strong federal government and equal representation of American citizens.
James Madison, an American statesman and political theorist that was present at the constitutional convention. Many of the ideas proposed by Madison are part of the reason that the Constitution has withstood the test of time. Madison was ultimately prepared to deal with one of the biggest problems this new government would face in his eyes, factions. Factions, which as defined by Madison are “a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community” (Madison 156). Madison addresses various ways that he sees factions can be cured of its mischiefs such as removing a faction’s causes and also controlling their effects. Madison points out that this is would potentially create an even bigger problem than the factions themselves by stating, “Liberty is to faction, what air is to fire, an ailment, without which it instantly expires” (Madison 156) Madison also stated that the way for a government to remove the cause of faction was either to destroy the liberty that causes factions to exist in the first place or to give every citizen the same beliefs and opinions. Madison deemed this impractical, because it is nearly impossible to give everyone in a given place the same opinions and destroying the liberty would take away the very thing that the colonies fought for 4 years earlier. The fact is Madison knew that the country wouldn’t be able to count on a well-educated statesman to be there any time a faction gets out of hand. Madison knew the only viable way to keep factions under control is not to get rid of factions entirely but to set a r...
Famous Pirate- Edward Teach “Blackbeard”: Blackbeard was the most notorious pirate in the history of seafaring. With a beard that almost covered his face, he would strike terror into the hearts of his victims, according to some early accounts, by weaving wicks laced with gunpowder into his hair, and lighting them during battle. A big man, he added to his menacing appearance by wearing a crimson coat, two swords at his waist, and bandoleers stuffed with numerous pistols and knives across his chest. Blackbeard’s lawless career lasted only a few years, but his fearsome reputation has long outlived him. Thought to have been a native of England, he was using the name Edward Teach when he began his pirating sometime after 1713 as a crewman aboard
James Madison was a very intelligent man and was one of the forefathers for our country. In Madison’s Federalist Paper Number 10 he describes the need to control factions in the United States and how the government is to do so. The Federalist papers are a key point in describing how to control “factions” that are so dangerous to the young government, or so Madison feels. In Madison’s paper he clearly lays out his idea on the sources of factions, his feelings on democracy versus a republic, and how to control factions.
There have been many great books that have been based on the growing relationship of technology and human beings. Today, technology is continuously changing and evolving along with the way people adapt to these technological advances. Technology has completely changed our way of living, it has entwined with our humanity, by being able to replace limbs and organs that we once thought could not be replaced. One of the most crucial things that technology has changed is the way people in society interact with one another. A story written by William Gibson titled “Burning Chrome”, portrays that very idea. In his text, Gibson presents that the reader lives within a world where there is no boundaries or limitations between technology and humans. They become a part of each other and have evolved side by side into a society where a person can turn their conscious mind into data and upload it to non-physical, virtual world. In this research paper I will discuss how our society’s culture and interaction with one another has changed and adapted with the advancements of technology over the years.
The debate between Federalists and Anti-Federalists before the ratification of the United States Constitution centered around a number of controversial issues such as equal representation of the people, defense from the majority, and the balance of power between the states and the national governments. Federalist and Anti-Federalist Number 10 discuss the concerns with factions, their role in government, and how much power they should wield. While both suggest that large, clashing factions are detrimental to the United States, Federalist No. 10 promises that the government can protect from and reduce the growth of factions, and Anti-Federalist No. 10 argues for balancing of many larger groups, claiming that total lack of conflict in opinions leads to tyranny. While both papers make excellent points, Federalist No. 10 is more applicable to modern issues, although society does not fully follow its ideas either.
Sherry Turkle’s article in The New York Times “The Flight From Conversation”, she disputes that we need to put down the technology and rehabilitate our ability to converse with other human beings because we are replacing deep relationships with actual people for casual encounters on technology. Turkle tries to convince young and middle age individuals who are so enthralled by the technology that they are losing the ability to communicate in a public setting. Sherry Turkle unsuccessfully persuades her audience to put down the technology and engage with others in public through her strong logos appeal that overpowers her weak logos and doesn’t reliably represent herself and her research.
Meanwhile, Littman presented a more logical argument through the use of scientific explanation. Although Tufekci adopted a pathos appeal to connect with her audience, she was bias towards technology being a threat to humanity, where she attempted to sway the reader’s opinion. “In the 1980s, the Harvard social scientist Shoshana Zuboff examined how some workplaces used technology to “automate” — take power away from the employee”. (Tufekci, 2015, para.15) While the word “automate” refers to the technique of controlling a process by a highly automatic mean, Tufekci deliberately defined the word “automate” as taking power away from the employee. In addition to that, Tufekci was biased when she used an informal tone to describe humans as “quirky” and “pesky” in comparisons to machines (2015, para.9). The tone used clearly showed her excessive use of emotions, swaying her audience and making them feel inferior, which made the argument biased and weak. While Tufekci’s arguments were largely based on pathos appeal, Littman adopted a logos appeal by introducing counter-arguments against the claim that technology will surpass humanity. Littman (2015) cited that the basis of machines overtaking humans came from the concept of Moore’s Law, “the observation that the speed of computers has been increasing exponentially since the 1950s.” (para.7) but counter-argued that this basis was infeasible due to the limits of physics and the nature of computation. “Further, there are fundamental physical laws — quantum limits — that bound how quickly a transistor can do its work.” (para.8). Littman (2015) also presents a balanced perspective, as he noted the trade-offs between humans and machines. “Our ability to propose and ponder and project credible futures comes at the cost of
... in body and mind, to governing of the Emperors, to the study of the martial arts. Their code of honor and loyalty are traditions that all Japanese respect and try to live up to even today. The self sacrifice of ones own life for a common cause was even seen in World War II when Japanese pilots deliberately crashed their planes into United States ships anchored at Pearl Harbor. This was a devastating attack and can show the horror caused by revenge and their belief in sacrifice and honor. They were even called kamikaze pilots after the famous samurai battle of long ago. The influence of the samurai continues to be seen in Japan today in a positive way with the stories and legends of heroic samurai and the bushido as their guide.
In The Matrix, technology dominates society. The push to automate and link the world is a perpetual theme of modern society. As technology rapidly advances, implementation of computer-driven robotic devices and software programming has inundated the world and changed human perspective. There is a cost to pay when redefining the population with AI technology. This cost is identified in Barlett and Byer’s, “Back To The Future: The Humanistic Matrix” “The Matrix metaphorizes our willingness to fantasize that the ‘freedom’ rhetoric of e-capitalism accurately reflects our
James Madison’s Federalist No 10. outlines many of the aspects that the American Government was founded on, and features that continue to be employed to this day. The primary point throughout the essay was warning our nation of the formation of factions, or party united under one goal, and how a government would be able to prevent a majority faction from assuming complete power. Madison argues that the formation of factions are the primary reason for failure within a government. The essay argues that factions must be removed or controlled in their effects in order to have an efficient, and successful government. Madison focuses his essay on how a government can control faction’s effects and then declares his thesis: “The ability of free people
"Nothing Gold Can Stay" also has a personal sense to it, but the author of this poem, Robert Frost, does not try to make the same connection with his readers. Allegory is put to use in this poem with the case of nature. Instead of using personal pronouns to draw the reader into the story as Owen does, Frost uses them to personify nature, always referring to it as "her". The opening lines of the poem say, "Nature's first green is gold / Her hardest hue to hold". This is a common occurrence in writing, especially when dealing with nature. By personifying nature as a woman, rather than just an object, the reader is able to connect more with that character. This is because it is easier for humans to relate to another person than it is for them to relate to an object, even if only on paper.
Even as I sit here typing this paper, my own shiny, rectangular piece of molded plastic and metal lies inches away from my fingertips, beckoning me to use it. Looking out the window, one of the first sights I see are people walking with one hand up to their ear, evidence this technology is in use. I can count on one hand the number of adults I know who do not own one these mobile devices. People are now able to be virtually accessible almost anywhere at any time.
The theme is portrayed through very unique imagery with the extremely exhilarating word choice this poet carefully chose to make this whole poem flow like a brook in mid-summer with an unbelievable number of trout in the glistening blue water. When he introduces us to this Clod of Clay that is living a horrible, but in it all he finds a silver lining through it all. This little Clod of Clay lives under cattle’s feet and gets stomped on all the time and although he is getting trampled on ninety percent of his life he finds what the silver lining through it all is. He says, “
In Sherry Turkle’s article “The Flight from Conversation,” she emphasizes that technology has given us the chance to be comfortable with not having any real-life connections and allowing our devices to change society’s interactions with each other. Turkle believes that our devices have allowed us to be comfortable with being alone together and neglecting real life connections. She opens her article up with “We live in a technological universe in which we are always communicating. And yet we have sacrificed conversation for mere connection.” (Turkle, 2012. Page 1). Turkle is trying to say that we have given up on socializing with each face-to-face and forgot all about connections. In the article, Turkle continues to provide examples of how we let our devices take over and