The Study of Public Sphere in Modern China

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As we all know, recently China is the fastest growing developing country in the world, under this situation; people in China are more concerned about the development of public awareness, which stand for the individual freedom thinking and civic consciousness. With prompting citizens to identify themselves with public linked together, in interaction with others, discussions, negotiations universality found consensus and common values is the process of public awareness, and at the same time, promote active citizenship into public sphere.
Public sphere, in rhetoric, a place for citizens to express their ideas and opinion, are becoming an important concept in China during 1990s. The concept of Public Sphere was originated during 18th century by German scholar Hannah Arendt, with analyzing of the human condition, the origins of totalitarianism and the plight of the modern constitutional issues in the public domain, thus Hannah Arendt opened the public sphere theory study of the regiment.
In 1961, German sociologist Jürgen Habermas credited this term in his book The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere – An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society (1962; English translation, 1989) He states that:
“The bourgeois public sphere may be conceived above all as the sphere of private people come together as a public; they soon claimed the public sphere regulated from above against the public authorities themselves, to engage them in a debate over the general rules governing relations in the basically privatized but publicly relevant sphere of commodity exchange and social labor.” (Harbermas, 1989: p.216)

In simple terms, Habermas’s view of Public Sphere is more focus on those citizens who are under the condition of ...

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...ven the internet has monitor and most of the negative comments will not able to show up domestically, additionally, many website is blocked in mainland China, due to the society stability. Both of the reasons explain that public sphere does not exist in China; even we may have a rudiment of public sphere.
With the increasing commercialization of the mass media, allows the mass audience more choices than they used to have, but at the same time, those audiences are transformed from “culture consuming” to “culture debating”, without the critical thinking, the public sphere prototype face the collapse.
This paper concludes Habermas’s notion of public sphere can be applied into the country outside of Europe and North America, even the country is not capitalist. Also with all the analyzing from the history perspective, previously, China had the public sphere, but not now.

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