The Statue of Moses by Michelangelo

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Statue of Moses

The Middle Ages was ending and the Italian Renaissance was starting. Many people called the Renaissance the rebirth of a New Age. Between the 14th century and 17th century a new way of thinking about the world came about. During the Italian Renaissance, art was very popular. Artists in the Renaissance applied many humanist and religious principles behind their work.

Michelangelo Buonarroti was one of the greatest artist and sculptor in the Italian Renaissance. He was born in the village of Caprese on March 6, 1475. He grew up in Florence which was the middle of the early Renaissance. Michelangelo became an artist’s apprentice at the age of thirteen. Since Michelangelo had obvious talent, Lorenzo de’Medici took him in. For two years he lived in the Medici palace where he was taught by the sculptor Bertoldo di Giovanni and studied all of the Medici art collection.

Michelangelo traveled to Bologna and Rome, where he completed many works. His most important and famous work was the Pieta. The Pieta was a sculpture based on a type of devotional image that showed the Body of Christ laying in the lap of his mother, Mary.

The detail in the sculpture was overwhelming. With the success of the Pieta, the artist was asked to sculpt a statue of the biblical character David for the Florence cathedral. The statue demonstrates the artist's knowledge of human anatomy. In the work, David is shown watching the approach of his enemy Goliath. After the completion of David in 1504, Michelangelo became widely know to many people around the world (Moses).

That year, he agreed to paint a mural for the Florence city hall next to one painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, who was another big Renaissance artist that also had an influence on...

... middle of paper ... time he was able to complete over twenty art works and over twenty sculptures. The detail in not only his sculptures, but also his paintings is very shocking. Many people admired and looked up to Michelangelo for his amazing work that he was able to complete. I all together loved this statue. The amazing amount of work and time that was put into all of Michelangelo’s pieces continues to shock me to this day.

Works Cited

“Michelangelo.” A&E Television Networks, Web. 06 May 2014.

“Michelangelo’s Moses.” Web. 12 April 2011.

“The Horns of Moses - Defending Michelangelo’s Horned Moses.” Taylor Marshall. Web. 04 June 2014

“Michelangelo’s Moses.” Web. 09 May 2014

"Moses." Moses. Dr. Beth Harris, 4 Oct. 207. Web. 15 May 2014.

“The Holy Bible” New International Version. Grand Rapids: Zondervan House, 1984. Print.

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