The Song of Innocence Vs. The Song of Experience

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William Blake's poems show the good and bad of the world by discusses the creator and the place of heaven through the views of Innocence and Experience while showing the views with a childlike quality or with misery. Blake one of many others had lived in the time of the American, French, and Industrial Revolutions (Blake Background). This gave Blake the opportunity to witness the most conflicting stages for the transformation of the Western world. Through Blake's poems The Lamb, and The Tyger can reflect the change of the Western world. As in the lamb it is of a feudal agricultural society time that still has the innocence of a young shapered. Up to the Tyger that has a feel of the Industrial time sounds as if the tyger was forged. Within Blake's work The Lamb starts off by asking a little lamb who had made thee. Asking how gave you life, and how had fed you. By asking these questions to the lamb the boy questions how a lamb came into existence in this realm. "Then the boy tells the lamb that he is called by thys name since he calls himself a lamb"(Foundation). Then after that the boy realizes that the lamb was created by God. As this is read a sense of a childlike innocence that the creator is a source of gentleness, selflessness, and love. This idea is expressed by the symbol of a lamb, for being the most gentle creation. For the poem the Tyger, is quite the opposite of its counter poem the Lamb. In this work the narrator gives the reader the feeling of great doubts that the creator even has goodness with in. This is created throughout the poem, by asking "what" instead of asking "who". By doing this it asks how the creator could make the first tiger as an inhuman creation. There is alliteration within the poem such as" Ty... ... middle of paper ... ...p://>. . The Wm. Blake Page - The Songs of Innocence. . 24 April. 2014 . . William Blake: Background and Criticism. . 24 April. 2014 <"william blake: background and criticism." william blake: background and criticism. n.p., n.d. web. 24 apr. 2014. .>. (Blake Background) . William Blake: Analysis of "The Chimney Sweeper". . 25 April. 2014 <;>>. . "The Chimney Sweeper". . 26 April. 2014 . . Analysis- Summary of The Chimney Sweeper by William Blake. . 26 April. 2014 . (Chimney)

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