The Social Connection Between Gangs And Adolescents

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The society is a complex web of interactions between the different factions. At the very basic level is the family unit and in this case the nuclear family unit. The social connection between family members is the basic connection that the rest of the society uses to stay together. This is a cohesion that can be considered to have adhesive elements of the various people in the society. Ideally, there is an insatiable need in human being to be part of something bigger than themselves. As such the connection at the family level and to loved ones provides the attachment that people require to feel safe and secure. It is thus common for people to tend to look for that element of connection if the family unit does not provide for the same (, 2016). Adolescents are largely at a stage where they are trying to establish their values relative to what their environment dictates. As such, they tend to be easily carried away by whatever their environment presents. Some of them end up getting initiated into gangs. This is a common element especially for those who come from the poor communities in the society. This common trend has also been established to be …show more content…

However one of the most crucial factor and one that the paper tries to elaborate on is the need to belong to a group with the right connections that mimic health relationships. This strategically ties in with elements of having problems at home. If the adolescents do not feel the attachment from home, they are likely to be attracted to what gangs offer as an alternative. Where children do not have the right kind of supervision when growing up and therefore feel detached and unprotected from those in their family; the gangs offer the level of connection and protection that these adolescents will be

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