The Snowflake Method: Proping The Process Of The Way Of Writing

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This method is great for people who like structure and is by no means for every person in the world. It sets rules and strict guidelines that may hurt the creative process for many people. Yet, it will also help you to avoid plot holes. And it will save you from spending unnecessary time trying to figure out where the story should go. Either way it is a great method if you are looking to try something new.

The snowflake method is a way of writing that involves drawing out characters and developing the idea of the story. The basic process goes like this:

Write a one-sentence summary of your novel or work. It will be a bit of a longer sentence because it gets to the heart of the story. In essence it will be your hook. Take an hour to do this because it will become the focus of your novel and it 's selling point. Write a complete summary of the novel. Give this process …show more content…

At this point you will take each story synopsis and divide it up by individual scene. Each scene for each character is then combined into the final scene. You can use a spreadsheet list to do this or figure out your own method. You will then take each scene from your list and expand it into a multi-paragraph description of each scene. Fun part! You will now start to actually write your first draft.

The idea of the snowflake method is to take a basic idea and expand on it again and again until you have all the details worked out. The big disadvantage for many people is this method takes away a lot of creative inspiration or ideas that you may come up with along the way. The advantage is that you will always know where you are in the story. You will also know that your story will make sense when it 's completed. You are also less likely to suffer from writer 's block because your story will have a direction.

One of the most well known authors that use the snowflake method is Randy Ingmerson. To see more about this method click the image

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