The Similarities Between Antigone And Creon

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In Sophocles play Antigone, Antigone is contrasted with creon in the play because everyone knows that Creon and Antigone had their differences about the burial of her brother, “Creon: yes, he will, if you give equal honors to a wicked man. Antigone: But the one who died was not some slave — it was his own brother. Creon: who is destroying this country — the other one went to his death defending it. (Lines 587-591) In that quote it’s saying that Creon doesn’t support the burial of her brother because in his mind he was destroying the country, and he didn’t want him going to the afterlife, but that’s what Antigone wanted. Ismene didn’t want Antigone to go behind Creon’s back and bury him anyway. Ismene didn’t want Antigone to go behind Creon’s back to bury …show more content…

Set your own fate in order. Ismene: Make sure you don’t reveal to anyone what you intend kee closely hidden. I’ll do the same.” (Lines 97-105) What Antigone and Ismene were talking about was that Antigone …show more content…

“Antigone: look — what’s Creon doing with our two brothers? He’s honoring one with a full funeral and treating the other one disgracefully! Eteocles, they say, has had his burial according to our customary rites, to win him honor with the dead below.” Antigone was saying how it’s not right that he is respecting one brother and not the other brother. Creon feels as if that one brother was destroying his country instead of defending it, the other brother worshiped it and adored it. Ismene felt bad and she wanted to help her sister and be there for her, “ oh poor sister, if that’s what’s happening what can I say that would be any help to ease the situation or resolve it?” (Lines 48-50) Ismene said that to because she wants to help her sister anyway possible, she doesn’t want her sister to die or doesn’t want anything bad to happen to

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