The Significance of Haji for a Muslim

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The Significance of Haji for a Muslim

Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. This is the pilgrimage to Mecca

which Muslims must do at least once in their lifetime. This makes

Muslims feel complete once they have completed the Hajj, but they are

only allowed to do Hajj if they are physically and financially

supported, they must also be able to provide for there families whilst

on Hajj, they must also have the money to pay for Hajj without

resorting to dishonest ways of raising the money. The pilgrimage is a

journey with a spiritual meaning to a place special to them. If this

is not possible this is when Niyya comes into it, which is when

someone has the intention to go on Hajj but are not either physically

or financially capable. This could make them a better Muslim so

therefore they may become more spiritually involved in there Islamic

religion. Hajj happens during Dhul-Hijjah the twelfth month of the

Islamic calendar and this year it was between the dates of the 9th and

the 14th February 2003. The reason why the Hajj is in Mecca is because

of the Ka'ba. This is a large black box which Muslims believe was

built by Adam, the first man and therefore the first house of God on

earth. The Ka'ba is also known as the cube, the shrine of God in

Mecca. Over two million Muslims go to Mecca to fulfil there pilgrimage

so they will then feel more involved and closer to Allah. Hajj

involves a lot of walking, hot sun and communicating with other


Muslims might take part in Hajj to become closer to Allah and to

fulfil their fifth pillar of their religion. There is a lot of

planning to do with going on Hajj because firstly you have to be


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...ll also feel stronger spiritually and this

will make you closer to Allah. Once you have got back off Hajj when

you are telling all your friends about Hajj more of your community

will think more of you and also the children of your community may

want to get more involved in there religion.

When reflecting on the statement 'True pilgrimage is really a journey

within' there are several points of view we must reflect on. The way

that I would describe/ reflect on this statement is that I would say

that yes a true pilgrimage is really a journey within this is because

I would say that even though you are physically going on a journey you

are still going on the pilgrimage within because you have to prepare

your self for the trip and also if it is the Hajj then you will have

to be spiritually ready to complete the pilgrimage.

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