The Seven Components Of Intimate Relationships

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A relationship without all seven different components are all possible for failure. If someone is in a intimate relationship and they don't have knowledge about their partner they wouldn't know how to make their partner happy. It's important when someone is in a intimate relationship they know their partners preferences and desires. I have witnessed many relationships go sorrow because one partner didn't know how to make their spouse happy. For example, my two friends who was dating from 16 to 22. The guy couldn't keep the girl happy. Simply because he did not take the time out to learn about her preferences and desires which had changed since she had became an adult. This intimate relationship had all the other six components besides knowledge. However, over time there mutuality began to break, which led to there commitment breaking. Once the commitment broke their intimate relationship was over. It was like a chain of reaction.
Also, if there is a intimate relationship and one spouse doesn't care and trust their other spouse then there would be no interdependence. Caring and trust make interdependence tolerable (Miller, 2015). If a person doesn't care and trust their spouse then their spouse actions won't affect them. In contrast, I have seen …show more content…

I know a married couple who has been together for over 20 years but they lack affection for each other. I personally think they are together because of their children. The wife told me personally her husband is all she know. She haven't been in any other intimate relationship with any other guy besides him. They never go on dates with one another but they always do family outings. They have a strong commitment to each other that's what I believe is keeping their intimate relationship together. Thus, married couple made me believe that an intimate relationship is not over until the commitment has been

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