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Chapter 2. Spirituality and Happiness
"When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you." - Stephen Richards, Author of Cosmic Ordering Guide
Peace of mind and spirituality has been a fascination for humanity. Spiritual powers come from the inner soul of an individual; everyone possesses spiritual powers to a certain degree. Strengthen your spiritual powers through introspection, meditation and other exercises that can feature as a component of daily life.
Storytelling is an effective method to teach, motivate and inspire people. I believe that the two stories mentioned in this chapter will do the needful. Read between the lines carefully. Create awareness about increasing
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When a person thinks with strong concentration about a thing he desires, and his mind cannot resist the thoughts, his desires will be fulfilled.”
The saint remarked, “The secret of happiness is to concentrate, visualize, view finer details, have faith, and project emotional and mental energies into your mind. These features are general prerequisites. When a person’s mind is devoid of any thoughts, and he thinks only about a single thought, it gains immense power. Therefore, one must be careful about his thought process. Concentrated thoughts are powerful, and have a strong influence on an individual.”
The student nodded and said, “Now I understand that I need to develop a sharp and focused concentration, to use such power.”
The saint replied, “Yes, you are right. It is the first step to achieve happiness and peace of mind.”
If you feel motivated enough, another short story will explain the finer details of this concept.
Once, fifty people were attending a business conference. Suddenly, the moderator stopped, and conducted a fun activity. Each participant was given a balloon, and everyone had to write his or her name down with a marker pen. The moderator then collected all of the balloons and put them in another
Stories are the way humans share, create, and explore their many experiences and identities with each other. When a story is told, the original content lingers depending upon how the storyteller recalls the content. Once the story is retold, it often takes on different details and meanings, because each storyteller adds their own perspective, experience, and meaning. The story then begins to have its own life. Each storyteller has a connection to the beginning and the end of the story.
...distractions. Taking time to observe and analyze the silence can bring something to the surface that could never be confronted in any other way. We need to embrace silence presented throughout life, for we will come out with more definitive, powerful voices.
Stories are necessary aspects in our everyday life. From helping us remember a loved one to preparing for an interview, stories are extremely beneficial. I hear stories everyday and they help me as I overcome the loss of my favorite uncle. He was a great man and is still present everyday because of the impact stories of his great legacy have. Without stories, I would be sad every day that he is no longer physically with me, but I always hear of the great things he did and it consoles and comforts me greatly.
All of humanity, even the one reading this paper, has had thoughts of doing things that are far from that of a saint, and although most do not act upon these thoughts there are those who have; those who kill out of spite, those who commit unspeakable acts against men, women and children, those who to everyone else are frightening and fearful and thus locked away from
... divine law and letting reason govern one’s actions, they can achieve complete happiness. One must not totally disregard temporal goods, but their actions should be based on their goods of the will, not temporal goods.
As one can see, meditation is a sacred act that can have endless benefits. As well as being a physical act, activities such as transcendental meditation can also be fulfilling spiritually and mentally. Through deep concentration and relaxation, meditation becomes an altered state of consciousness. This essay has shown many ways as to why this is so. Through the simple acts of letting one’s mind go, there are endless possibilities that can happen. Without meditation and altered states of consciousness, the world as we know it would be completely different.
Spirituality and religion are two things that embody each other in many ways. These tenets have been around since the beginning of man. The practice of spirituality or religion takes place in almost everyone’s life at one time or another. Pope Francis at Apostolic Palace 00120, Vatican City, is the top religious leader of the day. Dalai Lama of Thekchen Complex, Teapc Road, P. O. Mcleadgani, Hemachal Pradesh, India, is the top spiritual leader. People need spirituality and religion in their lives for structure, enlightenment, joy, and happiness. These faiths are sometimes mistaken for the same thing, but spirituality and religion have very different meanings. Spirituality is the best way to practice a faith based way of life.
In the book, The How of Happiness, author and researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky sets her book apart from other self-awareness books by being the first to utilize empirical studies. She uses data gained through scientific method to provide support for her hypothesis. This hypothesis consists mainly of the idea that we have the ability to overcome genetic predisposition and circumstantial barriers to happiness by how we think and what we do. She emphasizes that being happier benefits ourselves, our family and our community. “The How of Happiness is science, and the happiness-increasing strategies that [she] and other social psychologists have developed are its key supporting players” (3).
These three themes combine to support a compelling argument of how truly important it is to gain a greater grasp of one’s subconscious and inner self.
Individuals are constantly searching for a way to create the perfect life they dream. Motivation gives them the drive and desire to obtain specifically what they are in need of. In the short stories The Painted Door, by Sinclair Ross, and A Pair of Silk Stockings by Kate Chopin, the idea that motivations alter the way humans process and interpret information is developed. Ross demonstrates this by using Ann to question her choices during the experiences she faces. Chopin, on the other hand, explores how individuals initiative's alter our behavior. Motivations that individuals experience affect one’s course of action because of their desire to fill what is missing inside them, regardless
Stories are a big part of the human race. From conceptualizing the birth of our race to nagging our parents to tell bedtime stories, our life is nothing but a series of stories. It is in human nature to narrate significant incidents of our lives to others. Storytelling as a method has been progressively used by various companies as a tool to connect with their employees and customers. It helps to build a bridge of loyalty, longevity, mutual trust and understanding and connection. Storytelling helps to get that instant personal connect. Stories are significant because they are inherent to human experience. By stories we pass on our accumulated wisdom, beliefs and values to the future generations.
Happiness can be easily defined as the state of well-being and contentment gained by personal life experiences through either direct or indirect connections with the world around us. The people we meet and the trails we go through in life add together to create a hopefully happy life. To be happy in life is indeed the only way to enjoy it. Therefore it’s no wonder that we all strive to achieve this idea of happiness. This interest in the search for true happiness has become a major factor in our modern age. Looking back at our history, the moods of many Americans have seemed to become stagnate even when we experience a rise in salaries and overall life expectance. This begs the question as to what then
Spirituality is a broad concept, often met with skepticism, but for those who believe in spirituality, it is something real and can have positive effects. Spirituality is difficult to operationalize because it is defined and understood in multiple ways. Participants in studies have described spirituality from experiencing a connection with God or a higher power, to believing something exists that is beyond oneself, to being a search for inner peace and supporting core values to become an ideal human (Hodge & McGrew, 2006). For this paper, spirituality will be defined as an inclusive, multidimensional phenomenon (Starks, Vakalahi & McPhatter, 2014). As well, for this paper belief in spirituality, belief in something bigger than oneself, whether
Every individual has an inner drive to succeed over some challenge in their life. Individuals can experience motivation in different ways, whether it is from a good or bad situation. Even though good influences do have an impact on our lives, motivation is found to have a stronger impact from negative experiences. Negative people, especially, can have a huge influence on our lives, but this negativity can be turned into something useful and good. It is this motivation that keeps us striving to achieve our goal and which also promotes our nature of self-confidence and self-efficacy. A strong confidence and self-efficacy inspires an individual to take action and partake in change. These experiences enable us to self-evaluate ourselves and help us realize that each of us are able to live a happy and better life. In the two different mediums, “A Story of an Hour,” a short story by Kate Chopin and The Awakening Conscience, a painting by William Holman Hunt, show that the same person that can be the source of one’s downfall can also be the same person who is the inspiration for one’s redemption or awakening.
If you want to increase your spiritual awareness so that you can understand what life is, you need to study nature and learn how to live in harmony with it. As your connection to nature strengthens, your spiritual awareness will also increase. The reason for this is because when you become more aware of your natural environment, you start to see why things occur the way they do. This awareness can help you understand who you are and why you are here.