The Secret Monologue

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As I pace around the room like a toddler just waiting for reply. My nerves on edge just wondering if my mom found out I literally would be dead. There would actually be blood spewing out of my body somewhere and not anywhere pleasant. Which makes me re-think my decision. Beeeep beeeep, I get sidetracked from a high pitched screech from my fone and it says only a half hour left… I sprint to my room, turn on my straightener and begin throwing around my clothes desperately trying to find something to wear. I did not know HE was going to be here so soon, I thought I had plenty of time to beautify myself. Finally, I found something that I could wear, something suitable for the occasion. My phone goes off again and my stomach dropped, I felt like I was going to throw up. Was he here already? I’m not even close to ready, there is no way HE …show more content…

Puddles forming under my armpits, I begin to think, did she find out, oh my gosh she found out I am a dead man! With all the strength I have, I slowly opened the message like I am opening the door of an empty house as if something is going to jump out at me. I exhaled deeply, all she wanted to know was if I cleaned anything yet. What a relief I convinced myself to relax and continued getting ready for the day I have left. I finally am done putting on my makeup and straightening my hair. I check myself out in the mirror making faces like a model would before a big shoot. When I am satisfied I walk out of room, go over to my phone, there is no messages at all. Huh, I thought that is weird. So I go over to my fridge to get something to eat, when I open it there is nothing, it is completely empty like the barren sierra. I begin pacing around the house again, my nerves on edge yet again. I make myself sit down it felt as if someone else was pushing me around like a big ole bully. I turn on the tv, found my favorite show and start to slip into an acoma of forgetfulness of what the day was suppose to consist

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