The Secret Garden Love Quotes

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“I was angry. I never cried. I didn’t know how to cry.” -Mary Lennox. This quote expresses how Mary feels without human relationship. The point of The Secret Garden, written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, is Mary, Colin, Lord Craven, and Mrs. Medlock need to learn to love with their heart and develop relationships. Without human relationships it’s hard to for these characters to function and get along.
“My parents always thought about themselves, never about me.” Mary’s whole life she had been cast aside by her parents, they didn’t have time for her. Mary never had a real relationship with anyone in India, but with her servants and butler. Only negative thoughts filled her mind because she had never felt love. In the scene when Mary …show more content…

After his wife Martha died Lord Craven had been so emotional and sad. Lord Craven is scared to have a relationship with his son Colin because he can’t stand the thought of losing another loved one. The scene where Lord Craven goes down into the garden and meets Colin, plays a major turning point for him because it has been such a long time since he has loved someone and shown affection. It’s a relief to Lord Craven that Colin is okay and he can stop worrying and just be there for him. In the movie Lord Craven could be symbolized by his cane. The cain Lord Craven always walked around with in the movie was meant for the lump on his back and to help him get around, but it also symbolizes authority and power. Lord Craven used his cane like a witch would use a wand, he could boss anyone around and get what he wanted. All in all, Lord Craven needed to move on from the death of his wife and not be afraid to love his …show more content…

I’ve had to, my Lord. That’s how wild she is.” This quote shows how unloving and rude Mrs. Medlock is. Mrs. Medlock is the way she is because she has been working in the Manor for so long without any love or friendship it has shown its effects on her. The first time Mrs. Medlock ever feels friendship or any kind of love is in the scene where she is on the stairs crying and Martha the maid comes and comforts her with a hug. In the moment when Martha hugs Medlock she tells her to get away, but then she accepts Martha and calms down. Mrs. Medlock wasn’t such a bad woman down deep inside, it’s just on the outside that showed. In the movie Mrs. Medlock could be symbolized by keys. She used her keys to shut away the kids, but she also locked away herself and her emotions with keys. The key to unlocking Mrs. Medlock’s emotions was love with someone in the castle. In the end, Mrs. Medlock was not a bad person after all, she just needed to love someone with her heart and unlock her

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