Jewel Bundren Quotes

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Journal #1 Jewel Bundren After reading the novel As I Lay Dying, I was able to gather some first impressions about Jewel Bundren. One of these impressions is that Jewel Bundren is aware that Anse Bundren is not his father,. One reason why this is evident is because when Jewel half brother, Darl, is questioning him about who his father is, Jewel doesn’t answer, meaning he might know that he isn’t related to Anse. Another reason this is evident is due to the way Jewel acts when he is talking to Anse, as he is continuously disrespectful to him. Even though it’s shown Jewel is aware that Anse is not his father, there is no indication in the novel that he is aware that Whitfield is really his father. Another first impression I was able to gather about Jewel …show more content…

One of Anse’s actions that allow this is when he takes his daughter Dewey Dell’s money even though she doesn’t want him to. This shows how little Anse cares about what his children think, which shows how much he disrespects them. Another one of Anse’s actions that show how little he regards his children is when he remarries after the family buries Addie in Jefferson. By not even allowing the children to have much time to get over their mother’s death, Anse goes and remarries. Between these two events, it is made clear how little Anse cares about his children. I do not believe that Anse, unlike the rest of the character’s in the novel, possess any noble qualities. I think that this is made evident by the fact that Anse does not do anything that show he cares about anyone but himself. Rather, he does stuff throughout the novel that only benefits him, which shows the kind of selfish person he is. It can also be argued that he didn’t even love his wife due to him marrying right after Addie is buried. Because of Anse’s actions in the novel, I think it is clear he is the only Bundren without any noble

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