The Second Fastest Fencing Weapon

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The tip of a fencing weapon is the second fastest moving object in the olympics, the first is a bullet. Like every sport fencing comes with risks. Getting hit with a weapon can be pretty painful. It started in the 18th century when authorities wanted to stop duels to the death. Even though the purpose of the épée was to stop this people still went into the duel with the intent of doing a lot more damage than a small cut. Of course the sport has evolved with time and new technology but épée is related the closest to the original version.
During my sophomore year when I was still at New Trier I decided to go through hell. After tryouts I was put onto the Épée team. I originally thought that fencing was going to be really easy but once I started …show more content…

There is still no right of way rule in épée while there is in the other weapons. “I like to say that epee is the only fencing weapon with true right-of-way, which is enforced by the other fencer - do it wrong and they hit you” (Epee - Introduction & Strategy Basics, Michael McDarby). The fencer also has to hit their opponent with the tip of their weapon. Épée and foil are the most similar because they both involve hitting the opponent with the tip of the weapon. They are both very different from the sabre however because sabre involves slashing at your opponent and because running into the other person is not usually an offense in épée and foil. “A difference between épée and foil versus sabre is that a corps-à-corps or "body to body" contact between fencers is not necessarily an offense, unless it is done with "brutality or violence"; however, it still results in an immediate "halt" to play” (The Fencing Center). Back before there was electricity and score boxes to count points weapons had a three pronged tip so that the referee could see the tip tug the opponent’s clothing. However now épée weapons are connected to the score box by a cord and they have buttons on the tip to alert the score box that the fencer got a point.
I was surprised that it was the first weapon ever created for fencing. I was also surprised by how it came to be the true dueling weapon in the 18th and 19th century. In movies you

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