The Scottish Cuisine

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This semester we have been working through the origins and influences on modern Australian cuisine. To reflect this, Scottish cuisine has had some influences in the Australian cuisine. Scotland has one of the best natural larders in the world and it is known for its miracles cuisines. This essay will be discussing typical ingredients used, culture- specific equipment and cookery methods and eating customs and rituals.
The Scottish cuisine has a long and stimulating history, and many would be shocked to hear where some of the most popular modern Scottish cuisine originated from. The Scottish cuisines have different types of dishes and ingredients such as Loch Fyne seafood, Highland venison, Aberdeen Angus Beef, Ayrshire cheeses or Clyde valley soft fruits are often present in the Scottish cuisine, 20/05/2014. The Scottish cuisine was influenced significantly by the Britannic cuisine. It is also believed that the Scots borrowed different culinary habits from the inhabitants of the Scandinavian Peninsula

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