The Scarlet Letter Roger Chillingworth Is The Greatest Sinner

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Roger Chillingworth, in Hawthorne’s novel, The Scarlet Letter, is the greatest sinner because he devotes his life to hatred and wrath. Every living breathing moment he has he uses to destroy another. His need for revenge turns him from “a wise and just man to a fiend.”
Right from the start, Chillingworth’s intentions reveal he has the darkest and most evil spirit. While treating Hester as a physician in prison, he gloats, “Even if I imagine a scheme of vengeance, what could I do better for my object than to let thee live.” When he finds out what Hester has done, he takes advantage of his situation and instantly attempts to get revenge. He shows no mercy. Chillingworth wants Hester to feel shame and suffer because, though he claims it was partly …show more content…

After some time with Dimmesdale, Chillingworth sees the mark on his chest. “Had a man seen old Roger Chillingworth, at that moment of his ecstasy, he would have had no need to ask how Satan comports himself, when a precious human soul is lost to Heaven, and won into his kingdom.” All his suspicions have now been proven true. Chillingworth is locked in on his prey, determined to do everything in his power to make him suffer. His drive is like Satan’s drive to capture souls from Earth. He feels unstoppable. Ironically, the people of the town perceive Chillingworth as a blessing from God coming to save the life of their minister, however, in reality, he is a disease sent from Hell. Though Chillingworth appeared to be composed and serene, there was “…a quiet depth of malice, hitherto latent, but active now, in this unfortunate old man, which led him to imagine a more intimate revenge than any mortal had ever wreaked upon an enemy.” The key to Chillingworth’s success is in his deception. He tore out the inside of “dim”witted “Dim”mesdale without him even knowing it. Chillingworth doesn’t want justice, he wants pure revenge. “All that dark treasure was lavished on the one man who sought to use it for vengeance!” God is just; the Devil is malevolent and

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