The Sanctuary Of School By Linda Barry Summary

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In “The Sanctuary of School”, Linda Barry describes her experience as a child in the public school system. She was fortunate enough to have an caring teacher who emphasized creativity and art. This provided an escape from her mundane home life, where she is oftentimes inactive and bored. She sneaks off to school early in the morning in order to spend as much time there as possible (Barry). Barry and many other kids benefit from the solace that thoughtful teachers create with an expressive environment however, her experience isn’t true for everyone. Barry fails to mention any of the other problems that schools face. American schools have a overwhelming amount of bullying which can cause student to feel scared and uncomfortable at school. Public schools can’t always provide the protection that should be required because of school funding. There have been many school shootings and other events that put mistrust in school security. Barry’s essay is extremely bias and only shows her point of view when there are millions of different cases. Art can be very beneficial to …show more content…

One of her main points is that art isn’t well funded enough which is true in many cases but less true when you are in elementary school. There has been a decay in arts programs but “there has not been a “dramatic narrowing” of the arts curriculum, despite some troubling patterns” (Walker). Arts programs are extremely beneficial to children, but after elementary school it is important to educate yourself on subjects like mathematics, science, and history. It is also important for students to have access to Career and Technical Education programs that will lead them to well-paying jobs. I do believe that if arts received more funding in appropriate situations, it could create an outlet for students. But with the right teaching style, other educational programs can be just as

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