The Samsa Family In Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis

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Other than being a traveling salesman, Gregor also has the role to provide for his family, but that changes when he becomes a bug. His job prevented him from having an emotional connection with his family since he was never home, yet he provided for them, maintaining them in a certain class system. He was “proud of himself for having been able to provide his parents and sister with a life like that, in such a beautiful apartment” (Kafka 25). This passage shows that as a bug, Gregor finally sees the life he has been able to give to his family. He feels like he has done a good job and is proud. However, once Gregor transforms into a bug, the family’s main concern was their finances, not Gregor. The Samsa family only saw their son as a source of …show more content…

The family dynamics are based around performing roles, unlike a traditional family, whose family is based on concern and affection, later leaving to neglect. This results in Gregor’s father becoming the new provider for the family. It is depicted when he walks into the room dressed like a messenger, wearing a blue uniform with gold buttons (Kafka 37). There is a big contrast during this section of the novella since when Gregor was the provider, his father was described as lazy and weak, but he is now the new authority figure of the house, replacing Gregor's role as the provider. This is also shown when in part one, when Gregor’s father clenches his fist, making him return to his room. Out of the family, Mr. Samsa is the one who despises Gregor the most, wanting to get rid of him. He no longer sees him as his son anymore, just a pest. He is also is mad that he had to take over Gregor’s role to provide. His father sees him as a burden and wants to get rid of him, so he bombards him by throwing apples at him: “his father has decided to bombard him, (…) [he] was throwing one apple after another” (Kafka

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